Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I pwn MS Paint.

Just thought I'd toss in a little background for those of you who are curious about my URL.

This is my immediate family, and as you can see...I am the next to last child out of a family of 7 (8 including my super awesome sis-in-law)

Now you see why I like videogames so much. Y

Nah. They're a great bunch!! ^_^

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Admitting it is the first step.

Now that I've gotten myself pretty situated here, let's make my very first actual post be about something completely retarded!

This, my dears...is a Night Elf. And she is my pride and joy of the massive online game by Blizzard called, "World of Warcaft."
Class: Holy Priest.
Level 64 out of 70 possible levels (Used to be only 60 levels...then there was The Burning Crusade expansion, which added new playing places and 10 more levels)
Geared fairly decent to kick some Horde tush!
I have spent an entire MONTH straight of my life playing this character. Sad, but oh so terribly true!
Her name is a horribly botched version of my middle name. "Raschel" -Cringes.- *Rachelle* It used to be Nienna, which is the online-generated elvish name some random site gave me for my own name, and I love it! But my brother Nathan's friend transferred her to a different server, and some nerd had that name already, so he CHANGED it. And misspelled it! Want to know something even more crazy than all of this mumbo-jumbo you don't understand?
I cried. Real horrible angry tears over the loss of something beloved. And I'll never get rid of her, but she's just not the same anymore. So she sticks around for some bragging rights, and that's about all. Moving on.

THIS is my most recent character. Her name is Nattie, and she's a level 36 arms warrior. Lotta my soul being sucked away for the sake of this videogame, but I LOVE IT! -Crazed eyes.- She's only 4 levels from being able to ride around on a horse. 60% faster...I cannot begin to express to you how awesome that will be...

It may seem like you just wasted five minutes of your life reading this, but you might be glad you did, for I'm sure to mention them and this game again in future posts.

If you made it this far, find yourself a cookie and eat it--it is well deserved!

Next time I swear to post something slightly humorous or relevent....well, at least I swear I'll TRY! :P

Um...my name is Natalie...and I'm addicted to WoW..

I'm #1.

Hello, hello!

My name's Natalie, I'm (almost!!) 18 years old and I pretty much only created this because I wasn't allowed to leave anonymous comments on my Sister-in-Law and her kids blogs! -Deep breath.- Well, okay....anditsortakindalookedlikefun. >_>; But you didn't hear that from me.

Viola! First post EVAR!
Hope you enjoyed that.