I took this lovely photo of the Birthday girl as her candles were lit by my dear friend, Brittany. (Wow, finally...somebody else did it!)

We decided to go without singing, because it is oh-so-embarrassing...but they wouldn't have any of it. And even without any help the group started up a joyous and extremely off-key 'Happy Birthday'. (Ain't that always the case?)
And this side was gracious enough to pose for a picture!

The boys started a few rounds of Twister...(with random people shouting limbs and colors, because our spinner was nowhere to be found) I still haven't decided if prohibiting co-ed Twister was actually any better than an all-male game...

Here is some of the reaction to the Twister...
(This would make a good bachelorette party game)

We ate pizza rolls, veggie pizza and chips because the party started at 7:00. Most people seemed ravenous anyway, and Mom had to go on a emergency food run!! (PS, it was Em's idea not to have that much...not mine!)
We played Guitar Hero, snacked around and watched the good ol' movie "That Thing You Do". Emilie wouldn't let me theme her party, but I eventually worked out a rockerish idea to it and bought spray-in hair coloring and glow bracelets and necklaces. We actually planned on watching School of Rock, but more people hadn't seen That Thing You Do, and Mother thought SoR was too questionable. Anyway, it was a pretty good time.
We had awesome plans for her Birthday today, but they were canceled on account of her being deathly ill. Poor thing. She's been in bed all day. Pray she gets better soon! We're planning a little family party tomorrow assuming she'll be walking around by then. Walking like a zombie, maybe...but at least moving.
Thanks Will, Ethan and Melanie for the well-wishes over the phone! Even though it was me who heard it and not her, I'm sure she'll be happy to know you didn't forget her.
Later alligators. <3