Last week was our youth group's "prom". I'm pretty sure most churches don't do this, but I my guess is that it originated out of so many of our teens being home schooled. And thus "Spring Formal", "268 Dinner", and this time, "Spring Banquet" was made!
Last year my friends and I put on the show, so to speak and themed our night "Old Hollywood". We painted 3 giant canvas things to make a big picture of Hollywood long ago, and set it all up with greenery and a red carpet for pictures in our newly remodeled Fellowship Hall.
As a surprise a Hummer Limo pulled up when it was time to go, and it made 2 trips to take everybody Downtown to a restaurant called "Anthony's." Nobody had ever been there before, because it was a more members only place, I think. You had your choice of chicken alfredo, steak, or halibut...and it was wonderful! The limo dropped us off back at the church and we listened to a message, watched a senior video I made, and sent everyone off with a gold-painted Barbie doll or golden globe for the guys. It was a ton of fun.

This year, however, being one of the seniors myself...our new youth pastor's wife, Jessica, did most of the planning. Our theme this year was, "A Night of Mystery." Some ladies from our church made the meal, which was pretty good, and during dinner the adults that work with us teens put on a show themed with Clue. You know, the game? So there was Mrs. White, Miss Scarlet, Col. Mustard...etc. And at the end everybody guessed the killer, weapon and room. I don't think anybody got the whole thing right, but I got the killer! Mrs. White you rascal, you. ;P
Here's Nick and I. I wore a really pretty periwinkle colored dress, and white/silver accessories.
We found Nick a shirt that matched just about perfect and white tie. Doesn't he look smashing?
Afterward me and Nick ditched to go back to his house to show off for his mother and change clothes, then headed back to the church for the ALL-NIGHTER! :D
Nick didn't get to stay the whole time, he worked the next day and didn't think staying up all night would really be the best thing for him. Haha. The evening was pretty awesome. Someone donated a Wii for the evening, and so there was a lot of bowling and golfing as well as Halo on the Xbox and football on the PS2. Not that we just played video games all night...there were card games, board games, ultimate frisbee and dodgeball as well.
After everyone was thoroughly worn out from running around and tired of games we started to wind down and just chat...which led to falling asleep. I konked out on the floor in the hall around 4:00am...woke up a couple hours later to munch a donut and find a cozier spot in a chair in the foyer. Mom picked Em and I up around 7:30 and we both slept until 2:00. Hehe. Good times!
Well, today is Mother's Day, and I don't have really any pictures of my mammy to put up here or anything....but Happy Mother's Day nonetheless to her (Love you!), and every other mommy dearest out there!
Our power went out for a little bit last night, and we usually leave for church at 8:30. Well, I had my cell phone alarm set for 7:30, and when I got up to come out and finish up my lunch packing (Lunch for my mom is a joined effort from me and Matt. We're going to Champaign today to eat lunch at his house) nobody was up. That was totally weird, because my dad gets up at an ungodly hour every day and really...complete silence. I finally saw him emerge their bedroom around 8:00 and asked if we were going to church. He said, "As far as I know." I was like, "Oh, okay...(Kinda laughed) well it's getting late." Mom came down a minute later and said their alarm never went off and they thought it was 6:00am! Hah! Needless to say we're not going to Sunday School, and I don't know if we'll make church or not.
I better stop rambling now or I'll never have anything to post for another 2 weeks.
Have a super day!