"Each of her fingers made a small protest of impatience in turn. A steady and constant drum upon the wooden desk. Tap, tap, tap...no, not click. Not long enough fingernails. But a subtle pat as she rolled her knuckles to tap, tap tap again and again! Words that were picked up from nowhere decent rolled through her brain, but by some grace never escaped her lips. She released a long, bored sigh....And finally closed the program."
Like it? That's just a tiny piece of the NOVEL I wrote while waiting for Blogger to upload my pictures!!! Never happened. I waited for flippin' ever, man.... nothing! So I'm sorry again...and I'll try it again. But it was making me annngry. >;( Grr..
"Well, yes, we could read your blog...or you could just tell us about your school day."
cute cartoon...blogger has been a booger for me lately as well! grrr...I'm angry too!
what else is new out in the cornfield? everybody doing well?
hugs LY
nobody likes a angry Natalie!!
That cartoon rocks my.....chair :P It is so me. I swear I say 'Have you read my blog?' 100 times a day. Being that I have no life it really isn't that shocking ;)
everyone ok over there?
miss seein' you blog...
hope you guys are doing well.
lots of love,
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