Yeah, yeah. It was forever ago. But who cares! I finally have the time to post, so I'm gonna. Time not spent playing WoW anyway.
Finally got my computer in the shop, and it turns out the reason it was running so slow was that when I had to system restore it the last time--I installed Windows...over Windows. So it was totally bogged down.
Now let's try this whole picture thing again. Cross your fingers! -Clicks.-
Ah yes....walking down the aisle. I was last, of course. Darned last name!
My a little graduation sermon/charge thing. I dunno!
My parents and I!
Me and Nick. Gorgeous couple, as always. Our children will be models. ;P

We're sisters. Could you tell? Yeah, me neither. Hah!
Okay, okay. I guess I can't bring myself to take ALL of the glory. It was Emilie's 8th grade graduation too. She went IN to her 4 years of torture good ol' education just as I got out! Close call, eh? :P
Here are the parents with 'Milie dear.
Friends are awesome. :)
I love Emily for being there. She got me flowers and a Princess Bride themed Grad card (Inconcievable!)
None of my bestests (Square) were there. Britt had to work, Emily's sister got married, Keeley had to work.
But Nick's parents came too (Thank you!!!) and that was really sweet.

Awwwwwe. Graduated togeeeether. How cute.
If my computer didn't suck, I could show you my graduation speech video. Hahaha...Nathan recorded it. I received looots of compliments on it. The 3 other people who graduated with me either cried, talked forever or both. And mine was short, comedic and matter-o-fact. No sob-fest here. My youth pastor's wife, Jessica, was the first to say something. "Natalie, I loved your speech! You're a woman after my own heart. I swear, if you had got all mushy up there I would have been very disappointed." (Many to follow)
Anyway, it was a good day. Good time. Good Graduation. I'm glad to be out!
The pictures uploaded 1 at a time when I shrunk them to practically nothing in MS Paint first. So sorry if they're kinda dingy, but...thas all I got for ya. Since I know the way to get around Blogger constantly giving me picture upload errors, there will be more posts VERY soon. Check back! And thanks for reading. <33