Here's she is. Looking all epic and wonderful. -Sigh.- I love it. I'm level 69!!!!!!!! Only 1 more level to go until I'm freakin' finished with leveling and it's time to get money, money, money and fight, fight, fight for all my EPIC gear! I am so excited (if you couldn't tell). There's this gorgeous cowl that I want for her that puts a glowy halo circle around your head when you have it on. -Droolz.-
Isn't she perty? ugh, and so matchy. I ran Durnholde with some people a few days ago, and it has this thing where it disguises your character into a human? OMG. I am sooo glad I'm a Night Elf! I look so freakin' awesome the way I am. But when it turned me into some pasty red-head I looked like such a loser. Gag me.
Beloooow are pictures of my EPIC MOUNT!!! Yeah, I finally bought one. I was working on getting Exalted reputation with Stormwind (The human city), so I could buy an epic horse instead...
I'm sorry, but personally I think the gear on the frostsabers/nightsabers make them look beyond stoopid. Anyway, it was taking too long...and I just know I was getting all this crazy looks in-game like, "Dubya tee eff is a lvl 68 doing on a lvl 40 mount?! Reeeetard!" So i bought one. That's my first purple. <33>
Rawwrrr, kitty!
Hmmm. What to say about this below picture. Hopefully you can read what I pasted on there, but....this is me getting raped by some Horde players who popped up while I was questing and snapping pictures for my blog (and your viewing pleasure. See Night Elf above. Hehe.) Needless to say they killed poor little innocent me. And you know what? Freakin' KUDOS to them. Like it's totally hard to kill a Holy-spec priest decked out in pure holy GEAR. Yay...heal bonus FTW in Player vs. Player. I think not!
Ummmm....This is me killing a spider. I just thought it was a neat-o action pic. Oooh, blasted with Holy Fire for 807!!! Take that, you creepy crawler. ;P And burn damage afterward for 10 seconds. Pow, pow.
Okay, that's all. Sorry if you didn't understand a word of this post...but just know that I am wasting my life away on it a bunch again...and having a great time!!
Look, see? Didn't I tell you to check back? I forgot how much I like blogging.....hehe.
Night, peeps!
1 comment:
ahhhh, I'm confused! I will say this, though, you as a night elf...kinda spooky. but what do I really know? not much in W of W. if anything. nope nothing. (that is what this is, right?) talk about retard. I've been havin' babies so I'm outta the loop. forgive?
I like you as Natalie, human girl. but I am so glad you posted and that you remembered how much you really like it!
how's everyone doin' out that way?
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