Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I left a girl and have returned a woman!

I really can't believe that my last post on here was 2 years ago. And it's certainly not for lack of things to blog about...rather that I had too many! I've been a busy bee. Let's see, in the past two years I have....

1. Planned and followed through on a marriage.
2. Moved into a space with partner from #1.
3. Got knocked up 2 months later.
4. Moved into another, much LARGER space.
5. Birthed a little bundle of joy.

And, you know, all the typical lifey stuff inbetween. But those were the major events. Certainly don't know how I'm gonna top that this year! Win the lottery, maybe? (I wish.)

I guess a hello is all I can leave you with for now. (Hello!) Because this is what I'm dealing with at the moment...

He's in a tiny phase today where mom is the only cure for the fussies. Perfectly content until I try to pry the little leech off and then the meltdown ensues. But I still need to eat and poop too, so...he just has to deal sometimes. And for all that crap (literally) through the day, it's worth it for this little moment.

You'll note that these are taken at the exact same place. Little man moods swings worse than I did while pregnant with him. Zero to 60 in no time flat, I tell ya.

Anyhow. I'm going to give you a little tour of our place next time, so stick around.

Until then, wish me luck on putting this punk monkey to bed. Night! 


Laurie and company said...

nice to see you blogging again.

and it's funny, the word verification for this comment is fitting....haingus

Ryan is just a doll.

you are too. and hilarious.

Emma said...

um totally didnt know you blogged! You'll have to teach me how to make my blog look as cool as yours! :) Your baby is so cutie.