Tuesday, November 9, 2010

It's the dawning of the age of mobility!

Ryan is an all or nothing kinda guy. Which I suppose my pregnancy could be considered the initial sign of that. No cramping, contractions, zip zilch nada! And 5 days (Wait, was it only days? Felt like weeks to me...) overdue as well! Then--surprise! Water's broken.
I almost felt bad for the little dude during month 1 and 2. I mean...he just lays there. He can't move, he can't hold things. Vegging around doesn't sound too bad to me, but for a kid I thought it must be pretty boring, you know?
Then, in the car a few days ago, I had attached a rattle toy to a chain of those linky-doos on his carseat for him to...stare at...and outta nowhere I hear it shaking around back there! He was grabbing at it!
During his 2 month checkup at the doctor's office he was lagging behind somewhat in the mobility department. 100% on everything else, but..."Does he lay his head down softly and not drop it when put on his stomach?" and a few others like that got a "Sometimes" check mark instead of the "Yes" they were looking for. Tummy Time was not a very happy time and I didn't care much for leaving him screaming on the floor for it's sake. If you had asked me 3 days ago I would have told you with complete confidence, "He HATES being on his stomach." And yet, yesterday...

Little stinkpot! You told me you hated that! And he surprised me with a roll from tummy to back. Twice! One to the left, and the other to the right for good measure. He probably knew I would be skeptical. 
I'm very proud and excited for his little achievements and also a little nervous. You mean I can't just lay him down anywhere now? Fiddlesticks.

He is my daily lesson in patience. =)


Jessica said...

What a precious post, Natalie! I love that picture, and your thoughts about his acheivements.:) Thank you for enjoying the gifts God has given you! What an awesome testimony!

Emma said...

Your baby! I love him! That picture is great. :) He is so funny. I can't wait to see the next big thing he learns! :)

Laurie and company said...

my new favorite pic of Ryan! whatta happy li'l fella.

can't believe he's rolling. wasn't he just born?
great post, Nat :D