Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Project 365: Favorite (7)

My neighbor and her sweet daughter (who I haven't seen in 3 weeks!!) came over tonight for a little playdate. I attempted the DIY "indoor snow" Pinterest idea. You mix 2 boxes of cornstarch and a can of puffy shave foam together to form some moldable fluff for indoor "snow" fun.  My daughter and her daughter liked it alright, but boy was it messy! Ryan hated it. The moment he touched the stuff he asked to go wash his hands. Oh, well! :)

After the fluff was cleaned up and put away, I sat down with my friend to teach her some basic crochet stitches. We practiced on chaining and single crochets. She did very well, but was having a hard time with the funky way you string the yarn around your hand to give it tension. I think she got a little annoyed at me reminding her... ;)

These cupcakes are my favorite crochet pattern. These are made from my own customized pattern, adapted from a free one online.

I used to be part of a homeschool group called Keepers at Home. Every week? month? I can't remember...we learned how to do some kind of homey duty. Like how to iron, the proper way to set a table...and how to crochet! I picked it up pretty quick and crocheted 2 scarves. That was YEARS ago!

I ran across a blog quite awhile back and saw crocheted cupcakes! I just fell in love with them and had to have one. So I went Youtube crazy and re-learned how to crochet just so I could make the little guys. I've ended up making all kinds of cute hats, booties, and tons amigurumi (crochet plushies!), but these little guys are still my all-time favorite. :) 


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