Tuesday, November 9, 2010

It's the dawning of the age of mobility!

Ryan is an all or nothing kinda guy. Which I suppose my pregnancy could be considered the initial sign of that. No cramping, contractions, zip zilch nada! And 5 days (Wait, was it only days? Felt like weeks to me...) overdue as well! Then--surprise! Water's broken.
I almost felt bad for the little dude during month 1 and 2. I mean...he just lays there. He can't move, he can't hold things. Vegging around doesn't sound too bad to me, but for a kid I thought it must be pretty boring, you know?
Then, in the car a few days ago, I had attached a rattle toy to a chain of those linky-doos on his carseat for him to...stare at...and outta nowhere I hear it shaking around back there! He was grabbing at it!
During his 2 month checkup at the doctor's office he was lagging behind somewhat in the mobility department. 100% on everything else, but..."Does he lay his head down softly and not drop it when put on his stomach?" and a few others like that got a "Sometimes" check mark instead of the "Yes" they were looking for. Tummy Time was not a very happy time and I didn't care much for leaving him screaming on the floor for it's sake. If you had asked me 3 days ago I would have told you with complete confidence, "He HATES being on his stomach." And yet, yesterday...

Little stinkpot! You told me you hated that! And he surprised me with a roll from tummy to back. Twice! One to the left, and the other to the right for good measure. He probably knew I would be skeptical. 
I'm very proud and excited for his little achievements and also a little nervous. You mean I can't just lay him down anywhere now? Fiddlesticks.

He is my daily lesson in patience. =)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween 2010

Halloween was awesome! Nick and I have dressed up in couples costumes every year we've been together. More often than not rather reluctantly, but Nick's a pretty good sport about it. Let's see...we've done

1. Angel & Demon
2. Bunny & Magician
3. Black Eyed Peas.
4. SnS Chef & Waitress/painter & canvas

And I had a little trouble this year because I really wanted to keep doing the couples thing, but there's 3 of us! So this is what I came up with, kind of at the last second too!

Circus Performers!

I think it turned out pretty good, if I do say so myself.

For my costume I had to buy a little black dress. I've dressed like a mom pretty much forever...at least that's what Emilie always says, but isn't that supposed to be like, a wardrobe staple? Apparently I'm farther gone than I realized. The little number is way too small on me. Says on the tag it's supposed to be "just above the knee" and it barely covers my rear! But I was wearing my leggings, so that's all I needed it to do. It was all I could find for a decent $15 at Forever 21. I almost dropped $20 on a red cardigan at Target, but I just couldn't bring myself to it. And I ended up borrowing this red blouse from my mom and just tying up the ends. Turned out pretty cute! I guess I must have pitched Nick's magician hat from 3 years ago, cause I had to buy a new one. Then I made my whip out of a piece of thin dowel rod ($2) with black and red electrical tape wrapped around it for decoration and to hold on the braided black yarn. I looked for a more substantial lion, but...I couldn't find one and Nick said it would be funny to bring the teensy crocheted one. All in all? $26.
 While shopping at Target, Ryan was being kind of a butt. So I was looking through the baby clothes, but not very thoroughly. I was kind of distracted trying to keep HIM distracted until we got out to the car so he could eat. Just as I was giving up and walking away, Emily B pulled this cutie polka dot outfit off a mixed rack. "How about this?" Um, PERFECT!? The little monkey on it is even fine, and obviously it's something he can wear again. Then she picked me up some pom poms from Hobby Lobby and I safety pinned them on for easy removal when the holiday is over. Dab of lipstick on the nose, and this cutie clown only cost $10.
This was SO cute and SO frustrating! All he needed was a thicker dowel rod ($3), some foam balls and back spray paint for a huge weight, and some suspenders for a little flair. We went to Wally World to pick up the paint ($0.77) and over into the crafty section to pick up the foam balls. Um, $10 EACH. I just thought that was absolutely ridiculous for a piece of FOAM! Give me a break. So we wandered around looking for a cheaper alternative and picked up 2 bouncy balls for $1 each. That's more like it. But in the end, I should have sucked it up and paid the $20...the spray paint would. not. dry. even though it was supposed to in 10 minutes and we gave it almost 2 DAYS. We glued them, we taped them, we glued them and taped them! the balls would not stick onto the end of that rod for anything. So that just didn't work out. Even though the weight was the main prop, with his flexing poses and stuffed sock biceps, you can tell what he's supposed to be. But that was a real bummer. $15 for a big disappointment.

So we accomplished all of our outfits for $51! I thought that wasn't too bad for how cute we all look. =)

We had a really good time at Emily B's Halloween Party! Had to miss Dave & Laurie's annual Harvest Party because Nick worked until 6 on the 30th, but it worked out that Em had her party the same night, so we still got to party it up!!

Our gorgeous hostess dressed up in a totally unique peacock costume! Thought that was just too cool. Admittedly, I was a little skeptical of how she was going to pull it off, but WOW! Did she ever. You looked super awesome, Em!

Ryan hanging out with Anna.

Pictured: Andrew as Thing 1, Emilie as an Angel holding RyRy the clown, Alyssa as Queen Amidala in her fighter outfit, Scotty the blue lego and Daniel as Carlos the Chilean miner!!!

My angel costume 5 years ago was probably my ALL TIME favorite! Emilie said she felt very unoriginal in hers, but she sure was pretty! I think that's why it was my favorite. I loved wearing the wings, the halo was major cute, I wore my hair all curly and gold super high heels with a white dress. I just felt SUPER pretty, and I can remember kids at The Switch pointing me out to their parents. "Look, mommy, an aaaangel!" Loved it. =)

Actual Halloween day wasn't super busy. Day went by pretty slow. Nick had to work an awkward shift that made us not be able to go to church, so we pretty much wasted the day away until around 7:30pm. Dressed up in our outfits and snapped those pictures up there, then went out to Nick's mom & dads to watch the season premiere of "The Walking Dead" on AMC. I hate horror movies and all that junk, but I gotta say, it was really good and I'm excited to watch next weeks episode!

All in all, a very Happy Halloween!