you've seen from Laurie's blog (Livin' the Good Life) me and Nick went to go visit her, Dave and the kids last Sunday & Monday, 'cause Nick finally had some time off where he wasn't already doing something with it.
While we were there, Nick had a cut from work in the middle of his hand that started a red trail down to his wrist, and it hurt late Sunday night. So Monday morning we headed out and went to PromptMed...the walk-in part in the hospital near by.
Now, I've never really been to the hospital before...not like that anyway. I mean, usually when something has been wrong with any of us kids, we just walk up to Mom and go, "Mom..I feel (sick/achey/bad). Can you test me?" It takes like 2 minutes and she's told us what's wrong with us, two more minutes and she has our medicine perscribed. I think we waited there 3+ hours. It was a NIGHTMARE. It made me appreciate what my mom does a whole new level. Thankfully, he didn't have to get a shot or anything, and really it only took the doctor about 10 minutes to see him anyway...(it was the waiting for the 10 minutes that sucked) and just gave him a perscription for **Keflex**.
Now, you get a twofer with this blog title...because I HAD pictures of the entire event. Waiting in the waiting area, his hospital bracelet, the drugs we picked up, dumb pictures of me pretending to take the drugs, his wounded hand, etc. Now wouldn't that have been exciting?! I thought so too. Sadly, my photo party I told you about was YESTERDAY and I gave the boys team my camera, and the girls used my friends. So I erased the pictures thinking I'd saved them all except some cute kitten ones onto the computer...tooootally forgetting I had those. AHH! I feel awful! Those pics were hilarious. So lame.
Anyway, that's all I got. I can't post pics of the event last night 'cause I only have the boys pictures...(Have to wait for my friend Em to give me the ones from her camera) but it was good! And two of my friends spent the night. They're still out on the bed as I type this.
I'm sick, and I breathe better sitting/standing. So I couldn't sleep any longer...blah.
Kind of a funny tidbit. Nick has been lending me this book series by Stephen King called "The Dark Tower" series, and the main character is a gunslinger named Roland. Well, in the 2nd book he gets 2 of his fingers bit off by some lobster creature (Yeah, gross) and it gets infected..and it's trailing up his arm, lol. Well somehow he gets into "our world" and in it, he takes Keflex! Haha! Roland's home town was called Gilead..and on our way to the hospital because of Nick's trailing infection and to get a perscription for Keflex (lmao) we passed a church called, "Mt. Gilead". I swear. It was the most hilarious thing...
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Another Birthday Blog.
I was given a little family party on the 17th, because I hung out with Nick all day on the 16th. Mom asked what I'd like to eat and I asked for take-out from Green Jade chinese. (The BEST chinese in town). No work and enough food (with snacks) to feed all 8 people for $30. I think that's a pretty sweet deal, personally. ;D
This is my cake.. The baker lady looked at my Mom and goes, "You know this feeds 30-40 people, right?" My mom was like, "Yup! That's fine." xD Not surprisingly, today it is 2/3 gone. She got double the cake for $6.00 more bucks.
Meeeeeeeeeee. <3 Birthdays!
We all had a pretty good time, and Emilie was gracious enough to go around snapping shots for me. She got this one of my Dad that I think is just super. Good photo.
You HAVE to have a shot of blowing out the candles, no? :D I was almost positive I'd gotten all 18, but when I went up to blow out the top set I guess one at the bottom hadn't quite exstinguished. Thank goodness my hair or shirt didn't catch fire. Haha!
I think Matt must have told the joke because he's laughing the hardest.
Lookit that faaaaaaaaaaace!!!! :D

Anyway, that's about it. Check back soon! There's quite a few photo-worthy events coming up and I'll prolly blog about them. Toodles!
This is my cake.. The baker lady looked at my Mom and goes, "You know this feeds 30-40 people, right?" My mom was like, "Yup! That's fine." xD Not surprisingly, today it is 2/3 gone. She got double the cake for $6.00 more bucks.

Anyway, that's about it. Check back soon! There's quite a few photo-worthy events coming up and I'll prolly blog about them. Toodles!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Level 18!!
That's right folks, you never thought it would happen...but today (well, twenty minutes ago...) was my 18th Birthday!! Go me. Whoever thought I would get old enough to buy lottery tickets and cancer sticks?! Not that I'm going to or anything. -Grins.- But I'm officially an "adult". Do I feel different? Not one bit. I wonder if anyone has actually answered yes to that
Anyway, that was a ramble. I'm sure I'll have pictures to post of my party next weekend. It is, after all...a photo scavenger hunt. Hehe! <3
That's all I got. Over and out!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
You guys stink. :P
I came up with my own ideas, thank you very much..and you'll be lucky if I post pictures of the event! Psh!
I came up with my own ideas, thank you very much..and you'll be lucky if I post pictures of the event! Psh!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Brain lag.
This is less of a blog and more of a plea for HELP! I need some super crazy awesome ideas for....
1. My 18th Birthday.
Holy moley, it is coming around the corner and I haven't a cluuue what to do about it. Last year Nick and my BFF Keeley threw me a SURPRISE party. Which was supa.
And my 16th was...well, awful. I went all out with one of those like, teenage parties sans the alcohol? Music and TONS of people I barely even know? Yeah, k, long story short the people who showed up were like, "...So where's the pin the tail on the donkey?" O_o; "Are we gonna play charades...?" Come on, people! We're grown-up now!!! We can sit on couches, drinking fizzy beverages in unmarked plastic cups, being cool.. without kiddie games, can't we?! Apparently not. DISASTER.
2. My other BFF's return from HONDURAS.
Chyeah. My coolest of the cool friend Emily went to Honduras as an exchange student...and her much died for return is this Sunday!!! I have spoken to her madre (who is my piano teacher), and she figured her friends would throw her a party. Poor thing said in an e-mail that she'd throw herself one if she had to..but I'm not gonna let that happen.
So...ideas, ideas!! Get those brains a-goin', because mine is stuck in a rut!
1. My 18th Birthday.
Holy moley, it is coming around the corner and I haven't a cluuue what to do about it. Last year Nick and my BFF Keeley threw me a SURPRISE party. Which was supa.
And my 16th was...well, awful. I went all out with one of those like, teenage parties sans the alcohol? Music and TONS of people I barely even know? Yeah, k, long story short the people who showed up were like, "...So where's the pin the tail on the donkey?" O_o; "Are we gonna play charades...?" Come on, people! We're grown-up now!!! We can sit on couches, drinking fizzy beverages in unmarked plastic cups, being cool.. without kiddie games, can't we?! Apparently not. DISASTER.
2. My other BFF's return from HONDURAS.
Chyeah. My coolest of the cool friend Emily went to Honduras as an exchange student...and her much died for return is this Sunday!!! I have spoken to her madre (who is my piano teacher), and she figured her friends would throw her a party. Poor thing said in an e-mail that she'd throw herself one if she had to..but I'm not gonna let that happen.
So...ideas, ideas!! Get those brains a-goin', because mine is stuck in a rut!
The Other Half.
This is suuuper late, 'cause I meant to post it the 26th...and just never got around to it. But here it is now. :)
September 26th, 2005 - March 26th 2008
2 1/2 Years together. <3
Dedicated to my super awesome boyfriend, Nick!
Wishing on every 11:11 for many more years together. =)
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