This is suuuper late, 'cause I meant to post it the 26th...and just never got around to it. But here it is now. :)September 26th, 2005 - March 26th 2008
2 1/2 Years together. <3

(After the Georgetown fair)

(Spring Formal, 'o7)

(Trying on hats in Ohio)

(Cuddling at my house)

Dedicated to my super awesome boyfriend, Nick!
Wishing on every 11:11 for many more years together. =)
awww, that is so sweet! Happy 2.5 years, sista! (can't believe it's been that long, really!!)
glad, glad, glad to see that you blogged...I had given up. :)
how ARE you guys all doing? what's new with you folks?
Love and hugs,
ooops and I meant happy 2.5 years to you too Nick!! durp. sorry bout that!
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