you've seen from Laurie's blog (Livin' the Good Life) me and Nick went to go visit her, Dave and the kids last Sunday & Monday, 'cause Nick finally had some time off where he wasn't already doing something with it.
While we were there, Nick had a cut from work in the middle of his hand that started a red trail down to his wrist, and it hurt late Sunday night. So Monday morning we headed out and went to PromptMed...the walk-in part in the hospital near by.
Now, I've never really been to the hospital before...not like that anyway. I mean, usually when something has been wrong with any of us kids, we just walk up to Mom and go, "Mom..I feel (sick/achey/bad). Can you test me?" It takes like 2 minutes and she's told us what's wrong with us, two more minutes and she has our medicine perscribed. I think we waited there 3+ hours. It was a NIGHTMARE. It made me appreciate what my mom does a whole new level. Thankfully, he didn't have to get a shot or anything, and really it only took the doctor about 10 minutes to see him anyway...(it was the waiting for the 10 minutes that sucked) and just gave him a perscription for **Keflex**.
Now, you get a twofer with this blog title...because I HAD pictures of the entire event. Waiting in the waiting area, his hospital bracelet, the drugs we picked up, dumb pictures of me pretending to take the drugs, his wounded hand, etc. Now wouldn't that have been exciting?! I thought so too. Sadly, my photo party I told you about was YESTERDAY and I gave the boys team my camera, and the girls used my friends. So I erased the pictures thinking I'd saved them all except some cute kitten ones onto the computer...tooootally forgetting I had those. AHH! I feel awful! Those pics were hilarious. So lame.
Anyway, that's all I got. I can't post pics of the event last night 'cause I only have the boys pictures...(Have to wait for my friend Em to give me the ones from her camera) but it was good! And two of my friends spent the night. They're still out on the bed as I type this.
I'm sick, and I breathe better sitting/standing. So I couldn't sleep any longer...blah.
Kind of a funny tidbit. Nick has been lending me this book series by Stephen King called "The Dark Tower" series, and the main character is a gunslinger named Roland. Well, in the 2nd book he gets 2 of his fingers bit off by some lobster creature (Yeah, gross) and it gets infected..and it's trailing up his arm, lol. Well somehow he gets into "our world" and in it, he takes Keflex! Haha! Roland's home town was called Gilead..and on our way to the hospital because of Nick's trailing infection and to get a perscription for Keflex (lmao) we passed a church called, "Mt. Gilead". I swear. It was the most hilarious thing...
very interesting parallels between your books and your day here with the injured one!
glad Nick is OK!! sorry 'bout the wait...I think that's pretty standard in the medical field. gives you a whole new appreciation for what your mom and Nathan do!!
Can't wait to see the pix from your friend party.
Yeah, me neither!! And it's gonna be like...3 weeks. My friend took off again to visit her sis, and she's got the pictures. Blah!
Bummer. Well, we'll be sitting here, patiently waiting for the day you can blog your friend party.
tell your friend to get back there! pronto!
is Nick all recovered now?
we surely hope so!
He certainly is. The cut is all healed now too so no more chance for it to get infected again or anything. Yay!
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