Whilst all the other people had been on a plane before, this was my first time flying. That you can get from Illinois to Florida in two hours is awesome, the being on the plane for two hours part? Not so awesome. ;(
We rented a car, all squished inside and drove (I, making much fun of all the "Florida Pink" & Teal buildings) to this supa sweet hotel....rode the elevator to the 7th floor and stayed in the biggest hotel room I'd ever been in. Twas like a small apartment.
He fibs quite well! Actually, he didn't fib at all. He just-so-happened to decide that this could possibly be a good time to pop a question, and stuck this fancy white box with some expensive bling in his pocket "just incase." Apparently he decided the moment was as good as any, and when he finally got me to stop writing "FLORIDA ROCKS" in the sand for a moment, he told me how all aflutter he was for me, got down on his knee and offered up the bling. I said no. Just kidding, obviously! ;]
This all happened on Sunday night, July 13th...pretty late in the evening. I only have one or two super awful photos of the hot and sunburnt us and his mom has a pretty good one of us she snapped (against my will, again..obviously) when we came back up from the beach into the hotel room to make our announcement.
I made him dress up with me and we went out again the following morning to take some good 'ol we just got engaged photos, because I knew people would murder me in my sleep if I didn't. I take that back, they wouldn't even wait for the sleep. Prolly just shank me right out there in the open...
I found the exact spot he proposed because he remembered the rough area and then I found my FLORIDA ROCKS drawing in the sand.
Those are our feet (just incase)...in the heart of proposey looove. :)
We went on to have us some amazing Florida time. Ate at some fishy restaurants, Disney World, fishy restaurant, swimming, walking around a boardwalk, pizza (YAY!), shopping, fishy restaurant, swimming...shopping...yeah. But don't be fooled. It was a jolly good time. So good his Mum said we should make it a regular and come back every year. I agreed. :D
Anyway, so that's how it all went down. I'm working on designing a wedding webpage for us (progress is slow, but hey..I have a year!) where you'll be able to read this story again, check out some details on my plans, how stuff is going, who's in my bridal party, where I'm registered, etc. etc. Doesn't that sound cool?! ^_^ Oh. But the wedding date is September 26th, 2009. Guess you can know that!
Okay, I think I'm gonna go to my boyf--I mean Fiance's house right now. So I'll talk to you guys later!! Go me for actually following through and posting again like I said I would. -Does a happy dance.-
PYC Out. :P
Funny story, good visuals! Thanks for sharing! Not that Adelaide isn't cute but we were all chomping at the bit for a new post!
Please tell Pasty er I mean Nick we send love and congrats!
ok, now we are chomping at the bit again, to see your black eyed P's halloween costume since your horrible sister in law didn't get a pic of you guys! I'm such a loser and that was one of my favorite costumes...
man I just read my comment from back in Sept. and please tell me I referred to Nick as Pasty because you must have made reference to that??? how mean! pasty is good!
sorry again for failing to get any good pix...I'll blame it on busyness! (loserness)
hugs! LY
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