Monday, June 20, 2011

Baby Pictures

Well I was messing with some of the scanned pictures I have on my computer, and thought it would be funny to do a comparison of Nick and I's baby pictures with a few of Ryans. :) 


 His eyes and eyebrows shape are totally mine. But the color is Nick's, and so is his mouth!

Anyhow. Just thought it was funny. :)


Laurie and company said...

Oh my word! How cute. I guess we can't give all the credit to those over-powering Young genes anymore. :)

Emma said...

I guess I assumed he looked more like Nick than he actually does. He definitely has a look all his own! Love that cutie muffin!

Anonymous said...

YOUR HAIR IS SO CUTE OMG FLUFFY! and your baby. is so precious. it hurts. his eyes are gorgeous!!! :) <3 you both!
~Abby B.