Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day 19: Something you miss

Okay, I know this is going to sound kind of weird and totally opposite to what normal people miss....buuut....

I miss living at home.

Get out of here, right?! Don't get me wrong, I'm lovin' life right here and now, but it always tugs on my heartstrings a little when I go hang out with my little sister Emilie at my parents house, and the time starts to wane and I have to get my stuff and drive back to our apartment. I mean, even after two years my bedroom is right there down the hall. Sure, my decorations are all gone, but the furniture and my bed are there, and I think even all my goofy posters and drawings are stapled to the back of the closet wall still.
I feel like I hardly ever go outside anymore. There's just so much pavement and people...out at my parents house it's completely private, not a car in sight, and just looking at the big stretches of green grass and my favorite shady tree makes me remember the yearning feeling I used to get to just go outside and sit. Or sing. Or run around with our dogs.
Whenever I go to work at the store, and I stay until closing time and my dad turns out the lights...I remember staying late to play Warcraft (we only had dial-up at home) until ridiculous hours of the morning with my online friends and having such a wonderful time.
And it's selfish, but going with my mom and sister shopping and having to buy just the couple things that I can afford at the time makes me miss being able to just buy the things I needed or wanted without thinking, "This $20 shirt, or a box of diapers?" I wasn't frivolous about those things even then, but I really can't be now. I always wish I had been a little bit crazier about the things I bought now, but I'm sure my parents were glad that I wasn't. ;P

I'm a strange one.

Until tomorrow!


Emma said...

What a battle eh? Fighting back and forth with the feelings of loving this life, but wanting a different one as well? I am so the same. I look forward to the day when I have my own little house with all of my own little stuff, but I know that I will miss these days so much! So I try to soak it up while I can. :)
Love you Natalie!

Natalie said...

It so is. I mean, you know I totally love where I live and the people I live with, but...the good times of being a teenager were so good I just gotta miss that they're gone!