Monday, July 4, 2011
Day 27: A Child I Love (J.O.Y.)
My newest little nephew was born June 30th, 2011 at 6:41pm. When my mom called me to tell me the news she said,
"I have some bad news. Laurie had the baby..."
My mind was already a flurry of emotions. My little sister Emilie just had a her baby boy 3 months ago, who pierced a hole in his left lung with his first big gulp of air. He had a week-long stay in the NICU, but has since been a very happy, healthy (chubby!) baby. I was not prepared for what she said next.
"...He didn't make it."
I was sitting in the car, at the gas station, waiting for Nick to drop Ryan off with me. I shed a few, silent tears as my heart ached for my brother and his family. What happened? Was the question on my mind, because more information was to come later.
My mom called again later in the evening, to tell me about the knot in his cord, and to ask if I would come with her the next day to the funeral home for arrangements.
I was really nervous. I rambled on the phone quite a long time with lame excuses. I don't know, what about Ryan, whatever. The next morning I was pretty certain I wasn't going to make it, but then Nick's mom called me back and was more than willing to watch Ry for me. Everything worked out and I was going.
I wasn't very emotional until the moment we pulled up outside of the funeral home. I saw my brother, hugging my crying sister-in-law with her recently vacated baby heart jumped into my throat and I stayed in the car for a minute. It hadn't even been 24 hours. She should be in bed. Don't cry...don't cry...
That thought didn't last long. The funeral director, sweet lady, showed us into a room...and Laurie came over to give me a hug. That was the end for me. The floodgates opened and would not be stopped for the next 3 hours.
I watched, sobbing silently on the sidelines as my family picked between angels or teddy bears for the headstone and a small or a "medium" (still very small) casket. In the end offering profuse words of gratefulness for a free burial plot.
The kids out at the house provided some relief. It's amazing how quickly life can go on for them. Their youngest, Molly, greeted me with a, "'s baby died." And her and Levi gave me a sad look before changing the subject and then going to play.
I went straight to Ryan's room when we arrived back home, and looked at him snoozing peacefully in his crib. After coming out to thank Nick's parents for watching him, I went and scooped him up and just sat rocking him for a little while. Thanking the Lord that he was still in my care.
On the ride over the next day my chest tightened up the moment we got on the long stretch of road toward the funeral home. I couldn't breathe. I thought I would be okay yesterday and then I had broken down and couldn't stop. What was I going to be like this time?
Deep breaths.
My Aunt Sherry greeted us when we walked in. "Go on and see." she said.
It frightened me. I hadn't even settled in my own mind what I planned to do. It was a viewing, not the funeral. People weren't going to force me into a line, were they?
I didn't want to go up. I couldn't go up. I knew I would be a mess. I couldn't even look at the empty casket the day before...I couldn't do this.
My mom found me lingering in the ladies room after changing Ryan and had words with me. I started to get angry and defensive about my position. "You can't make me go up there." I said before I walked out.
I passed Ryan off to Nick and twiddled my thumbs in the back longer. Stealing glances up front. There were no excuses. Only their youngest son, Levi, stood by the little box. Nobody was pushing me, nobody was holding me back. I stood, took Ryan from Nick again and squeezed him tightly to me and went up.
I felt oddly calm. The closer I got, the closer I wanted to get. I saw his little face and loved him so much more immediately. His wild little head of hair that so much heartburn was endured for. I smiled. What was I afraid of? He was adorable. Ryan looked at him for a moment, too. He's been around babies before, and loves other kids. After the moment he looked back at me, I think expecting me to say, "Look, Ryan. Baby! Be nice."
I walked away with a sad smile on my face. He was so sweet. I didn't get a chance to go back up again, but I would have. I cried after the prayer, but not again for the rest of our time there.
Sitting on the couch back home later that night, I was staring off into space...thinking. Nick sat by me and brushed my hair behind my ear. "What's wrong?"
I automatically answered nothing, because there wasn't any one particularly thing I had been focusing on. Just the general events of the day... But I was curious. "Why do you ask?"
"You look pretty depressed."
I thought for a moment..."It's just, we've been waiting so, so long for him and now it's over. It all happened so fast. They'll bury him on Tuesday and then...then we'll all go back to our lives and just leave him there."
I choked at the end of that sentence. It was just so sad.
Nick hugged me tightly. "Hey, no, it's not like that." he said. "They aren't leaving him. He's not there. He's in Heaven."
That thought, even though everyone had been saying it for the past few days is what finally set my mind at ease. He wasn't there. Nobody was leaving him. We would see him again someday and we'll never forget him.
And we ended up discussing how horrible losing a baby, or any loved one would be for an atheist or unbeliever. But especially the loss of a child. Because you may be able to justify in your mind the loss of an adult life...but if you believe there's nothing? If you believe you live and die and nothing? Then your loss carries only despair. There's no hope in the future, because your future has just ended with death. You really would just lose them and leave them awful.
I can't imagine, seeing how emotional I am and how much love I have for my family and their baby I never even they must feel. I don't know what I would do if it was me...I wouldn't be as strong, I know that for sure. They smiled, they talked about other things, they cried and talked about how cute he was, they looked up verses that carried his initials (J.O.Y.) with promises for a brighter tomorrow. Laurie is talking, eating, smiling, joking, taking care of her kids. Every so often rubbing her belly absentmindedly.
I, and hundreds of others who never knew you, love you, Jack Oliver Young. And we can be happy that you had a cozy womb life for 9 months and then were born straight into the arms of Jesus.
30 Day Challenge,
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Wow. Wow. I just read this to David ....speechless, Nat. You are such a good writer. I felt like I was hearing someone else's story...thank you for this.
oh my goodness Natalie. Praise Jesus for your faith and trust in His goodness. Bless your heart, and bless your brother and his precious wife. Praying for you guys. Pretty sure my mama has gotten her paws on that little one. ;*)
Natalie -
Thank you for this posting. Being so far away from Indiana and not being able to help share the burden in any way, has made us even sadder. But, reading your post, has made us feel like we were able to be a part of the grieving, and to understand things better.
Praying for you and the entire Young family.
Tory Weaver (Laurie's cousin)
Laurie, I can't help but wish it was someone elses story. Your story, my perspective. I'm really glad you guys liked it. <3 you.
Anna, thank you! Ohh, what a sweet thought! I'm sure she has! :)
Tory, I'm so glad that it helped you. The events just kept playing over again in my mind. I wanted to write it all down to remember it and talk about all the emotions. I definitely cried a lot over this post. Good release! Ty.
I've been an emotional wreck lately, but I think this topped it off for me. It was such a beautiful post, so raw but also true and just eye opening. I couldnt love it more that his initials spell "JOY" what a sweet reminder of the promise of eternity, and the hope that we all build out lives on. I'm with Anna; my mom is probably gushing on and on about him in his baby perfection. :) Love you Natalie, love you so much.
Thanks for posting this, and thanks be to Jesus who has triumphed over the grave. One day we will say "Oh death, where is your sting?"
Tears poured down my face as I read this. Thanks, Nat.
I appreciate you posting this! I needed it today. Today is the 6 month anniversary of losing my nephew , Sully. I understand your feelings as the aunt. This was exactly what I needed today. I will continue to pray for your family in processing this loss.
An amazing testimony, Natalie! Thank you for the honesty and beautiful words of reality and faith. Praying for your family during your time of grief.
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