Saturday, April 19, 2008

Another Birthday Blog.

I was given a little family party on the 17th, because I hung out with Nick all day on the 16th. Mom asked what I'd like to eat and I asked for take-out from Green Jade chinese. (The BEST chinese in town). No work and enough food (with snacks) to feed all 8 people for $30. I think that's a pretty sweet deal, personally. ;D

This is my cake.. The baker lady looked at my Mom and goes, "You know this feeds 30-40 people, right?" My mom was like, "Yup! That's fine." xD Not surprisingly, today it is 2/3 gone. She got double the cake for $6.00 more bucks.

Meeeeeeeeeee. <3 Birthdays!
We all had a pretty good time, and Emilie was gracious enough to go around snapping shots for me. She got this one of my Dad that I think is just super. Good photo.
You HAVE to have a shot of blowing out the candles, no? :D I was almost positive I'd gotten all 18, but when I went up to blow out the top set I guess one at the bottom hadn't quite exstinguished. Thank goodness my hair or shirt didn't catch fire. Haha!
I think Matt must have told the joke because he's laughing the hardest.
Lookit that faaaaaaaaaaace!!!! :D

Anyway, that's about it. Check back soon! There's quite a few photo-worthy events coming up and I'll prolly blog about them. Toodles!


Laurie and company said...

I love, love, love the pic that Em took of you! classic shot that I need to have on my wall somewhere!
I'm so proud of you, bloggin' 18-yr. old "fool" that you are...(you are, by no means, a fool but you should slow down when you drive!)

luv ya, LY

Smooches, Kara said...

yeah I double checked and I got NO invite to a house with CAKE!!! I love cake!

Happy Birthday!!