Saturday, April 23, 2011

Day 2: Meaning behind your blog name.

Well, today's post is looking like it's going to be infinitely shorter than yesterday. Today's topic is, "The meaning behind your blog name."

Well, I already talk about it in my side description, cause I felt like it is something that would need a little explaining, but....I'll ramble a little on the subject to give it a little more length.
I have a pretty big family. Of my mom and dad, brothers and sisters and our kids, there are 22 of us (almost 23! Shoutout to my SIL Laurie and her baby bump at Of all of my dad's brothers and sisters and their children, we just passed the 100 mark. Obviously we make up a pretty large portion of that figure!
My family is super important to me, and I'm always proud of how many of us there are. So my blog is simply just a statement of my position in that line-up. I am the "Next to Last" child in a family of 7 children. I was the "Next to Last" person when arranged in an alphabetical line-up (Young!). And I suppose I've always felt like I was the "Next to Last" person to get chosen for a sport, or something like that. Not the best, not the worst, just kind of...stuck in the middle. I suppose the majority of people feel that way, don't they?

1 comment:

Emma said...

Love that picture of your family all cozy in your family room! I am so proud of my family too! We aren't quite to 22 yet though! :)
And yes, to answer your question, most people do feel that way. Although, I'm next to last too, so... ?