I have (for what feels like the millionth time) 6 brothers and sisters. 4 brothers, 2 sisters. My oldest brothers are twins, Matt & Dave. I always say them in that order, too...Matt & Dave, even though technically, Dave came first. Everyone always asks me if they look alike, but they're fraternal. They have totally different personalities, too. Whenever I think of Dave, I think of cleaning...hehe! He's a neat freak. Plus hospitality. I loved going over to his and Laurie's (his wifey) house as a kid. And whenever I think of Matt I think of encouragement and inspiration to do what you love.
Next is my sister, Amy. The story I always remember when I think of her is one that Matt tells about asking her why she had so many pillows on her bed. And she had a purpose for all of them, including one to lay her hand on. Hehe! She's a great listener. I can always count on her for a fun chat, a rant, and some good feedback.
My next brother, Aaron, was the coolest brother. (No offense, you guys) I was always excited to see all of them, but Aaron especially. ...Probably because I knew I'd make an easy $5 for a back rub. ;) Whenever I think of Aaron I think easy-going and funny. Two of my favorite traits!
Nathan is brilliant. Brilliant to the point of overwhelming (me, anyway. Since I don't know much at all) He knows so much stuff about everything, and always has. My favorite memories of him are playing spies and Power Rangers, watching the Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles movies over and over and ooovveerrr, rewinding funny parts of cartoons 10x and laughing more hysterically every time and playing the egg scooping game on Diddy Kong Racing. He is awesomeness.
When I was a kid I used to be the closest to Nathan, and my little sister Emilie was kind of a drag. We fought a TON, she was a major copycat and always wanted to hang around when friends came over. Typical little sister annoyance stuff. About the time she got in to the teen group is when we finally started bonding the most. We did more activities together and leaned on each other more. Our groups of friends finally meshed so it wasn't her little friends and my friends, we were all together. She is now my closest sibling and my bestest friend. Emilie is spunky, hilarious, caring and also a great listener.
I love you guys! :)
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My WHOLE family at my wedding in 2009. |
I laughed about the part of Amy had a pillow for her hand! Haha! That is so funny. Big families are so much fun!
Aww, I got like a whole paragraph! But that's cause we hung out like all the time. I've always said that out of the whole family, you were pretty much the one I was the closest to, and you know what? I remember -all- that stuff you said. Haha
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