I'm just gonna ignore the
S on that title, just like I ignored the
lack of the
S on the previous post. Because my favorite movie encompasses ALL movies into one.
Is this a kissing movie? |
This movie has everything. Fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles! I always said, it was an amazing compilation of my favorite types of movies. Action, romance & comedy.
Friendless, brainless, helpless, HOPELESS! |
I love all of the characters of this movie SO much, that I don't think it's possible for me to just pick 1. But I think my top 3 would be Westley, Inigo and Miracle Max. Okay, I guess Westley
might be my favorite favorite. After all, he IS the brave and charming hero. How could you not love him? :)
I do not think it means what you think it means. |
I can preeetty much quote this entire movie. From the little bleep bloop sounds from the baseball game in the beginning to the
As you wish at the end. Faaavorite movie of all time. We cannot be friends if you haven't seen and LOVE this movie. It's pretty much
top priority on my list of friend requirements. Or at least it would be if such a list existed...
We'll never survive! Nonsense. You're only saying that because no one ever has. |
*Sigh* I think may have to watch this after work today.
Wuv. Twu Wuv. |
Not gonna lie, when Maria and I talked not that long ago about favorite movies, this one was in my top five. It's slowly been inching it's way to #1 for about five years, pushing out Last of the Mohican's, which has held that spot for about 13 years...
I LOVE that movie! Soooo funny! I had the privilege of sharing it with the McCurdys, who had never seen it. :) Makes me want to watch it now!
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