Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 11: Favorite TV Shows

The only TV I ever watched as a child were Saturday morning cartoons, and I watched them with my brother, Nathan. Had I been alone in my choices, I might not have watched a lot of the shows that I did. Definitely saw a lot of TMNT and Power Rangers for being a little girl. One of my favorite cartoons though were the Animaniacs.

We're zany to the max!
We had about 3 channels that we could get with our antenna. 15, 23 & 27. There were a couple others in there, but most of them were too fuzzy to be enjoyable. When I started growing out of cartoons, my mom and dad didn't actually let us watch TV...but I somehow managed to sneak quite a few viewings of "Friends" anyhow.

I'll be there for you!
And finally, WE HAVE TV!!! But we only have a basic cable package, because it's cheaper to have both TV and internet than internet alone. So...we have it, but we don't use it. Ever. We do have Netflix though, and that is where I discovered this little gem...

I am in LOVE with the show, Bones! I love all of the characters and I never get bored of the plots in every episode. I used to really enjoy Law & Order, until I overdosed on the MILLION episodes that are available on Netflix. They just started to get too boring, because each episode of L&O usually stands alone. Not much is going on with the constant characters, you don't ever hear much about them or their story. With Bones there's a developing story with the characters and also very interesting crime cases to solve. :)

There's a whole 'nother season out that I haven't even touched because it's not available yet. I was pretty content to wait,'s been forever and I want to see the new episodes so bad! I recruited my friend Mason (Who also loves the show) to help me find it somewhere else available online next time I get a free evening.
I started watching Bones when I was in my third trimester with Ryan. I watched back to back episodes every night, and by the time he was born I had seen all 4 seasons available at the time. About 2-3 months ago season 5 finally was available for instant play. Ryan got up from a nap when I had just started yet another episode up, so I brought him out to nurse him in the living room so I could still watch it. It didn't bother him, he didn't pay any attention to the show...all the way up until the theme music started. He whipped his head around so fast, and STARED at the laptop screen. I really think he recognized the music! Crazy, huh?

First time I've ever been super in-love with a TV show! Bones is definitely my all-time favorite.

1 comment:

Emma said...

That cracks me up that Ryan recognized the theme song! haha! I love it! I've never seen bones...but sometimes I can only watch so many murdery shows before I get the heebie jeebies. My mom always loved those kind of shows though. :)