My dream house would probably not be crazy HUGE, but pretty darn least 4 bedrooms, a master bedroom with a bathroom of its own and a maaaassive jacuzzi tub. But I would like the house to be sweet and homey, and have a big porch with furniture and a porch swing. A patio and a in-ground pool, a grand staircase, ample backyard, stocked with gorgeous light fixtures and stainless steel appliances. A big, but cozy kitchen, non of that sterile minimalistic crap. Super plush furniture, a huge TV and a roaring fireplace to cozy up to in the winter. And french doors. Lots and lots of french doors!
And that is not a dream that I think will ever come true. Which has it's pros, because I can barely keep our apartment tidy, let alone a huge house with multiple bathrooms. Kill me now! :P But I suppose if I lived in such a place I could also afford housekeeping, so yeeeah.
Nick saw a house for sale down the street from us and he really liked it from the outside. I think that this is the first time ever that he's searched the internets for house listings and I've felt like--you're wasting your time, don't bother, too expensive, what's wrong with where we live right now?
And seriously. I love where we live. I am in rare form to be so content and happy. I'm always looking for the bigger and better thing, but right now I am just dandy! For our financial situation, I feel like I already live in the dream house of our current "class". Which doesn't mean I've stopped looking for the better thing to decorate it with. Eep. ;)
Come on. Don't you love it?! I LOVE IT! :)
It's an apartment, but you would barely know, right? The house has so much character compared to the little box-o-partment that we lived in before. It's so pretty and cozy here. I just love it! (Could I say that one more time?) And I also love that we know and are friendly with the other renters. Our landlords are also wonderful. And the rent is crazy awwwesooome.
Anywaaaay. If you want to go see the other post I wrote about moving into this amazing space, you can right here.
Talk at you guys tomorrow. ;)
Your apartment is seriously darling! I love it so much! I hope some day that Daniel and I will be able to afford to move out of our cardboard box (that we will surely live in when the time comes) and into an apartment with character! :)
your place is definitely cozy, so YOU and NICK. I'm very impressed, Nat. remember my first apt?? ha ha!
you do an excellent job making whatever space you are in very welcoming...
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