Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day 24: Something you've learned

Okay, so I totally thought today was going to be iPod shuffle, and I was all excited and have it here all ready to go. Nooooooooope. It's "something you've learned." Which I am not nearly as excited about. Especially now that I was all hyped up on the music thing. Sheesh.

Something I have recently learned about myself is that I need to calm the heck down before I make a big drama about a situation.
Seriously, I have never thought of myself as being a drama queen. Like an "OMG, I just broke a naaaail WAHH!" type.

I am.

I totally am.

I think I used to be tougher than that, but I've wimped out more and more as life has progressed. I hate getting made fun of. "Can't you take a joke?!" No, actually, I can't. I'll probably go home and cry afterwards.

I just freak out about everything. I freaked out about streaking my hair at home, and then everybody said they liked it. I freaked about doing some girls hair for prom, and then they said they liked it. I freak out about taking horrible pictures and everybody says they like them. I just...get so emotional about everythiiiing.

So last time I went and got my hair dyed at the salon, I didn't know what I thought of it. Then Nick told me he thought the blonde looked like I had gray hair and then the meltdown was about to ensue. I had to go back now and tell her to dye it back over. I was about to run to the store and box dye my whole head to cover them up. I wasn't going to step outside because I looked like a freak of nature. ....And then, I took a deep breath. And made an appointment for a few days later, so I had more time to get used to it and see if I liked them or not. And I did! But I did go back and had them toned.

So I've learned that I can be a tad bit over the top about some pretty petty things. And I get a little bit too emotionally involved in...everything. It will probably be a work in progress for the rest of my life, but it's good to know.

1 comment:

Emma said...

Right there with ya sister!