Well, I suppose I'm not exactly copycatting, since Emily did invite me to join her in this fun little blog challenge. I gotta say, I'm a little bit nervous about it. Blog EVERY day for a month? I suppose since the topic is already out there for you, then that makes it a little easier than just coming up with your own little diddle to talk about. Still....I'm already betting against my self that I miss a few days. But oh, well! As Nick would say...
Challenge ACCEPTED.
Day 1: A picture of yourself with 15 fun facts.
Fact One:
I pretty much only ever listen to music on the radio in the car. I used to try reeeeally hard to learn band people and the names of all the tracks on the album and be totally in love with "so-and-so" group. Nope. Couldn't do it. I could tell you some bands that I like, and a couple of their hit songs. And I have a lot of music that I like, but most of it I get tired of pretty fast. I haven't used it in awhile, but I have a Playlist called, "Catchy" and I'd add songs I particularly enjoyed onto there, and then when I got tired of them I'd delete them and it doesn't bother me one bit that I never listen to that song anymore.
Fact Two:
Keeping a little bit with the music subject (Sorry, I'm never going to come up with 15 facts if I don't use every little thing that comes to my mind) I apply music to people and situations. Here are a few examples:
My friend, Keeley, she and I used to listen to Avril Lavinge a LOT when she first came out. Now whenever I hear and Avril song, I think of her.
My friend, Josh, once told me on a car ride to take me home that he liked the song, "What hurts the most" by Rascal Flatts. ...Alwaaays think of him when I hear that song.
Whenever I hear oldies songs I think of #1...my dad and having mixed feelings of annoyance with childhood memories. Saying how much I hated it and begging him to change the station, but then being lulled to sleep on long car rides by them. And #2...feelings of being left out when all my friends went through a big oldies kick and they always knew all the songs and the words and I knew nothing.
Hoobastank reminds me of a book series I was reading, Linkin Park reminds me of my friend Anjie, Broken by Lifehouse reminds me of a friend I didn't talk to for a long time...I could go on forever.
Fact Three:
I have no talent that I am 100% confident in. Everything I can do...somebody else can do better. I can cook, scrapbook, take pictures, crochet, sing, decorate, web design, play piano, play guitar, whatever. I feel like I can do these things moderately well, but that I am not great or amazing at...anything.
Fact Four:
I spend way too much time on the computer. Even though what I'm doing online has majorly changed over the years, there is always something that I can and want to be doing on the computer.
Fact Five:
Again, on the computer note...I Google absolutely e v e r y t h i n g. Gone are the days where I've said, "Hm, I wonder why that is..." And totally forgotten about it. Now I make a mental note to go and check it out on my Google machine. The best part? There's pretty much always an answer. Because somebody else has totally already googled it before you.
Fact Six:
I have a husband. It's almost still a weird word to say. "My husband"....wow. It always gives me the chills when Nick is telling me a story from work where he's mentioned me, and he'll say, "I said to them, Yeah, my wife is like that." Totally weird!
We can definitely rub each other the wrong way sometimes. We have personalities that sometimes mesh perfectly, and sometimes clash super bad. I tend to get hurt and stay that way until somebody gives me a band-aid to make it all better. Like, totally unnecessary, I just wanted the attention. But Nick can fight and forget it in the next five minutes. So it's weird to him that I still remember X thing he said 3 days ago, and it's weird to me that he doesn't remember it! But at the end of it all, he's for me.
Fact Seven:
I hate to pray in a group. I've never had that amazing of a vocabulary, and I always get super nervous listening to everyone else come up with all of these eloquent ways to ask God to bless your Bible study time. "In your infinite wisdom, guide us in our lives as a beacon of light and hope bringing us into your abode of everlasting comfort..."
Wow, seriously...? SERIOUSLY? I mean, I probably would have just said, "Thanks for letting us all be here together," or something, so I'm glad you prayed because that beacon stuff sounded way cooler.
"The fluffier the prayer, the faster it gets there!"
Fact Eight:
Bears. Beats. Battlestar Galactica.
Fact Nine:
I definitely have my days where I do NOT want to go to work. (Um, like 4 out of 5...) but after I haven't been for a super long time, I actually start getting antsy doing only home things. Even though the majority of the time I don't really like it, I do always feel a little more accomplished at the end of the day for it. Kind of like doing the dishes. I loathe the idea with a burning fiery passion until I finally break down and start doing the it. Then it's not so bad.
Fact Ten:
I have birthed and am responsible for the life of a child. It's an amazing feeling to be the one that this little person loves the most. He picks me, out of everyone...I'm his favorite. He's only been here with us for 8 super fast months, but it's already hard to imagine life without his little sunshine.
I could definitely have another baby. I wouldn't want to right now, because I can't even believe he's getting close to a year-old. He's still my little baby...but in the future, I'd say it's a pretty for sure thing. =)
Fact Eleven:
I am currently on Weight Watchers. Diets aren't usually something I like to share with the world, but...I'm running out of facts here. I'm not going to tell you the weight I started at until I'm some huge success story (Teehee) but I have lost 15lbs so far! I was about to go up another pant size, and now I fit comfortably back into what I was before. Hooray! Honestly I'm already getting a little slack in recording all my foods and everything. The scale has been almost too friendly to me these past few weeks! It's been a loss every weigh-in, even when I've gone off-plan a few times for events. But I have been adding in a lot of exercise, so my guess is that that is what is helping me so tremendously.
Fact Twelve:
I have to be one of the most ticklish people you will ever meet. You can just look at me with a tickle twinkle in your eye and I will seize up and start laughing. Obviously Nick loooves to, and it's so bad that now even when he just simply goes to hold my hand or give me a hug I flinch! Sad!
Fact Thirteen:
I love, love, love to read and I never have any books! I always say I need to go to the library or something I just never do...All the books I do have I've read multiple times, and anytime I get a new book I devour it within a day or two. The Harry Potter series are my absolute faaaavorite!
Fact Fourteen:
My dad's side of the family is very close, and even though we don't have nearly as many as we used to, they all get together for a family reunion at least twice a year still. That tradition has definitely been integrated into my immediate family. My mom's side is totally opposite. They almost never see each other and I barely know any of them but just in passing. Since my brothers and sisters and I get together so often I can't imagine there being a point where we hardly saw each other and our children didn't know that the other even...existed! I am so glad that staying closely connected is such an important part in our family.
Fact Fifteen:
This was so difficult coming up with all of these facts!! And it's 11:59 and I want this posted TODAY! So...that's my last fact. This was HARD! Goodbye!!!!
The thing about work; I am IDENTICALLY the same! I hate hate hate it, and then I'm like...I miss it..I miss feeling accomplished and all of that. :( I agree about the dishes too. Thats how I am about cleaning the bathroom...I sooooo dont want to, and then I realize, its not that bad.
Looking forward to doing this alongside you!
PS-I cried when I read your snipit about Ryan! What an angel baby! :)
Fact three? Natalie you are super duper talented. Seriously, pro level.
You forgot to list what a wonderful daughter-in-law you are as a fact. Love you,
Emily, you're so sweet! Cried! He is a little darling.. :) Yeah, work sucks 95% of the time, but that other 5% is really nice!
Thanks, Karissa! I'm trying to work on feeling that way about it, too.
Awe, MIL! You're not so bad yourself. ;)
Oh Natalie...#12 I can so agree with.. I flinch too sometimes..which of course makes my poor little sweety husband feel bad...BUT! I remind him....If you NEVER even THOUGHT about tickling me I wouldn't do that...(because sometimes he does, and he's bigger than me, therefore tickle torture). I have to be ready. >:) you are cute! liked your post. :)
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