1. I wish that I always knew the right thing to say and when to say it.
2. I wish me and mine would always know the peace and security of the Lord.
3. I wish relationships didn't fall apart.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
Day 28: Something that stresses me out.
I want to get going and finish this up, because I have another one in mind that I really want to do. Maybe I'll make that a WEEKLY thing instead of every day, because I didn't do this very well. Haha.
Something that stresses me out?
Keeping up with blog posts! (I kid, I kid)
Seriously, though? Money. I mean, the majority of marriages end in divorce over financial reasons, you know? I don't blame 'em...
LMAO! I kid again! :)
When I said the words, "For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer" I don't think I fully grasped just exactly what I was saying. I don't think a lot of people do. I think what I meant to say was, "For better, or worse when you won't let me go on my 2nd shopping spree that week, for richer or for poorer if for some random crazy reason our house caught fire and burned down. At least poorer until the insurance gave us a bunch of money and all was right in the world again."
You know, or something like that.
Like, you don't think that the "for poorer" part is going to be the majority of the time. For richer comes first, and then the poorer part is kind of a side note or an afterthought. I'll love you even if it happens, but it probably won't.
Lawls. Expectations fail.
It's such an annoying necessity of life, isn't it? And I struggle to find a balance between what really is necessary and what's just fluff. Hate it.
So there you go. Money stresses me out. Or lack thereof....
Something that stresses me out?
Keeping up with blog posts! (I kid, I kid)
Seriously, though? Money. I mean, the majority of marriages end in divorce over financial reasons, you know? I don't blame 'em...
LMAO! I kid again! :)
When I said the words, "For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer" I don't think I fully grasped just exactly what I was saying. I don't think a lot of people do. I think what I meant to say was, "For better, or worse when you won't let me go on my 2nd shopping spree that week, for richer or for poorer if for some random crazy reason our house caught fire and burned down. At least poorer until the insurance gave us a bunch of money and all was right in the world again."
You know, or something like that.
Like, you don't think that the "for poorer" part is going to be the majority of the time. For richer comes first, and then the poorer part is kind of a side note or an afterthought. I'll love you even if it happens, but it probably won't.
Lawls. Expectations fail.
It's such an annoying necessity of life, isn't it? And I struggle to find a balance between what really is necessary and what's just fluff. Hate it.
So there you go. Money stresses me out. Or lack thereof....
Monday, July 4, 2011
Day 27: A Child I Love (J.O.Y.)
My newest little nephew was born June 30th, 2011 at 6:41pm. When my mom called me to tell me the news she said,
"I have some bad news. Laurie had the baby..."
My mind was already a flurry of emotions. My little sister Emilie just had a her baby boy 3 months ago, who pierced a hole in his left lung with his first big gulp of air. He had a week-long stay in the NICU, but has since been a very happy, healthy (chubby!) baby. I was not prepared for what she said next.
"...He didn't make it."
I was sitting in the car, at the gas station, waiting for Nick to drop Ryan off with me. I shed a few, silent tears as my heart ached for my brother and his family. What happened? Was the question on my mind, because more information was to come later.
My mom called again later in the evening, to tell me about the knot in his cord, and to ask if I would come with her the next day to the funeral home for arrangements.
I was really nervous. I rambled on the phone quite a long time with lame excuses. I don't know, what about Ryan, whatever. The next morning I was pretty certain I wasn't going to make it, but then Nick's mom called me back and was more than willing to watch Ry for me. Everything worked out and I was going.
I wasn't very emotional until the moment we pulled up outside of the funeral home. I saw my brother, hugging my crying sister-in-law with her recently vacated baby bump...my heart jumped into my throat and I stayed in the car for a minute. It hadn't even been 24 hours. She should be in bed. Don't cry...don't cry...
That thought didn't last long. The funeral director, sweet lady, showed us into a room...and Laurie came over to give me a hug. That was the end for me. The floodgates opened and would not be stopped for the next 3 hours.
I watched, sobbing silently on the sidelines as my family picked between angels or teddy bears for the headstone and a small or a "medium" (still very small) casket. In the end offering profuse words of gratefulness for a free burial plot.
The kids out at the house provided some relief. It's amazing how quickly life can go on for them. Their youngest, Molly, greeted me with a, "Hi...mom's baby died." And her and Levi gave me a sad look before changing the subject and then going to play.
I went straight to Ryan's room when we arrived back home, and looked at him snoozing peacefully in his crib. After coming out to thank Nick's parents for watching him, I went and scooped him up and just sat rocking him for a little while. Thanking the Lord that he was still in my care.
On the ride over the next day my chest tightened up the moment we got on the long stretch of road toward the funeral home. I couldn't breathe. I thought I would be okay yesterday and then I had broken down and couldn't stop. What was I going to be like this time?
Deep breaths.
My Aunt Sherry greeted us when we walked in. "Go on and see." she said.
It frightened me. I hadn't even settled in my own mind what I planned to do. It was a viewing, not the funeral. People weren't going to force me into a line, were they?
I didn't want to go up. I couldn't go up. I knew I would be a mess. I couldn't even look at the empty casket the day before...I couldn't do this.
My mom found me lingering in the ladies room after changing Ryan and had words with me. I started to get angry and defensive about my position. "You can't make me go up there." I said before I walked out.
I passed Ryan off to Nick and twiddled my thumbs in the back longer. Stealing glances up front. There were no excuses. Only their youngest son, Levi, stood by the little box. Nobody was pushing me, nobody was holding me back. I stood, took Ryan from Nick again and squeezed him tightly to me and went up.
I felt oddly calm. The closer I got, the closer I wanted to get. I saw his little face and loved him so much more immediately. His wild little head of hair that so much heartburn was endured for. I smiled. What was I afraid of? He was adorable. Ryan looked at him for a moment, too. He's been around babies before, and loves other kids. After the moment he looked back at me, I think expecting me to say, "Look, Ryan. Baby! Be nice."
I walked away with a sad smile on my face. He was so sweet. I didn't get a chance to go back up again, but I would have. I cried after the prayer, but not again for the rest of our time there.
Sitting on the couch back home later that night, I was staring off into space...thinking. Nick sat by me and brushed my hair behind my ear. "What's wrong?"
I automatically answered nothing, because there wasn't any one particularly thing I had been focusing on. Just the general events of the day... But I was curious. "Why do you ask?"
"You look pretty depressed."
I thought for a moment..."It's just, we've been waiting so, so long for him and now it's over. It all happened so fast. They'll bury him on Tuesday and then...then we'll all go back to our lives and just leave him there."
I choked at the end of that sentence. It was just so sad.
Nick hugged me tightly. "Hey, no, it's not like that." he said. "They aren't leaving him. He's not there. He's in Heaven."
That thought, even though everyone had been saying it for the past few days is what finally set my mind at ease. He wasn't there. Nobody was leaving him. We would see him again someday and we'll never forget him.
And we ended up discussing how horrible losing a baby, or any loved one would be for an atheist or unbeliever. But especially the loss of a child. Because you may be able to justify in your mind the loss of an adult life...but if you believe there's nothing? If you believe you live and die and nothing? Then your loss carries only despair. There's no hope in the future, because your future has just ended with death. You really would just lose them and leave them there...how awful.
I can't imagine, seeing how emotional I am and how much love I have for my family and their baby I never even held...how they must feel. I don't know what I would do if it was me...I wouldn't be as strong, I know that for sure. They smiled, they talked about other things, they cried and talked about how cute he was, they looked up verses that carried his initials (J.O.Y.) with promises for a brighter tomorrow. Laurie is talking, eating, smiling, joking, taking care of her kids. Every so often rubbing her belly absentmindedly.
I, and hundreds of others who never knew you, love you, Jack Oliver Young. And we can be happy that you had a cozy womb life for 9 months and then were born straight into the arms of Jesus.
Day 26: My Dream Wedding
My real wedding was a little under 2 years ago, so I don't have all that many regrets about that day..yet. However, if I could go back and make it my dream wedding, here are the few things I know I would have changed.
1. I would have curled my hair longer, and secured it tighter. That way I wouldn't have flipped out on my mom at the reception when one of my braids came tumbling down and rubberbands were at the opposite end of the building.
2. I would have tied my champagne colored sash around my waist and topped it off with the gorgeous brooch we bought for it. Instead of totally forgetting all about them.
3. I would have trained somebody to secure my dress up for the reception.
4. I would have written down my speech or not given one at all.
5. I would have spent longer searching for the perfect pair of shoes to wear all night...instead of settling for ones that pinched my feet and changing into $2 house slippers for later.
6. I would have applied clinical strength deodorant, and had someone follow me around with a fan.
7. I wouldn't have posed like a weirdo in all of my pictures.
8. I would have worked a little closer with my florist...because apparently we were on totally different pages.
That's all I got. :P
1. I would have curled my hair longer, and secured it tighter. That way I wouldn't have flipped out on my mom at the reception when one of my braids came tumbling down and rubberbands were at the opposite end of the building.
2. I would have tied my champagne colored sash around my waist and topped it off with the gorgeous brooch we bought for it. Instead of totally forgetting all about them.
3. I would have trained somebody to secure my dress up for the reception.
4. I would have written down my speech or not given one at all.
5. I would have spent longer searching for the perfect pair of shoes to wear all night...instead of settling for ones that pinched my feet and changing into $2 house slippers for later.
6. I would have applied clinical strength deodorant, and had someone follow me around with a fan.
7. I wouldn't have posed like a weirdo in all of my pictures.
8. I would have worked a little closer with my florist...because apparently we were on totally different pages.
That's all I got. :P
Monday, June 20, 2011
Baby Pictures
Well I was messing with some of the scanned pictures I have on my computer, and thought it would be funny to do a little....baby comparison of Nick and I's baby pictures with a few of Ryans. :)

His eyes and eyebrows shape are totally mine. But the color is Nick's, and so is his mouth!
Anyhow. Just thought it was funny. :)
Day 25: First 10 songs on your iPod shuffle
I'm going to cheat and use my Playlist Shuffle. Because my iPod is dead and I never listen to it. :P
#1. Gotta Get Through This - Daniel Bedingfield.
"Give me just a second and I'll be alright. Surely one more moment couldn't break my heart. Give me 'til tomorrow and I'll be okay. Just another day and then I'll hold you tight."
#2 Salt in the Snow - The Classic Crime.
"I took you for granted again. And threw you aside and pretended for one minute that I had control of my life and the direction it seemed to be in. I was wrong again. Are you listening?"
#3. Tonight - FM Static.
"I remember the days we spent together were not enough. And you still feel like dreaming except we always woke up. Never thought not having you here now would hurt so much."
#4. Careless Whisper - Seether.
"Tonight the music seems so loud. I wish that we could lose this crowd. Maybe it's better this way...we'd hurt each other with the things we want to say."
#5. Simple and Clean - Utada Hikaru.
"Wish I could prove I love you, but does that mean I have to walk on water? When we are older you'll understand it's enough when I say so. And maybe some things are that simple."
#6. Monster - Skillet.
"My secret side I keep under lock and key. I keep him caged, but I can't control it. Cause if I let him out...he'll tear me up, bring me down. Why won't somebody come and save me from this?"
#7. The Call - Regina Spektor.
"Pick a star on the dark horizon and follow the light. You'll come back when it's over. No need to say goodbye. You'll come back when it's over. No need to say...goodbye."
#8. Everything - Michael Buble
"And I can't believe that I'm your man. And I get to kiss you baby just because I can. Oh, whatever comes our way we'll see it through. And you know that's what our love can do."
#9. My Immortal - Evanescense
"I tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone. But though you're still with me, I've been alone all along."
#10. Listen to your Heart - Roxette.
"Sometimes you wonder if this fight is worthwhile. The precious moments are all lost in the tide. They're swept away and nothing is what it seems...the feeling of belonging to your dreams."
Probably not the 10 songs I would have picked....but that's what came up on the shuffle!
#1. Gotta Get Through This - Daniel Bedingfield.
"Give me just a second and I'll be alright. Surely one more moment couldn't break my heart. Give me 'til tomorrow and I'll be okay. Just another day and then I'll hold you tight."
#2 Salt in the Snow - The Classic Crime.
"I took you for granted again. And threw you aside and pretended for one minute that I had control of my life and the direction it seemed to be in. I was wrong again. Are you listening?"
#3. Tonight - FM Static.
"I remember the days we spent together were not enough. And you still feel like dreaming except we always woke up. Never thought not having you here now would hurt so much."
#4. Careless Whisper - Seether.
"Tonight the music seems so loud. I wish that we could lose this crowd. Maybe it's better this way...we'd hurt each other with the things we want to say."
#5. Simple and Clean - Utada Hikaru.
"Wish I could prove I love you, but does that mean I have to walk on water? When we are older you'll understand it's enough when I say so. And maybe some things are that simple."
#6. Monster - Skillet.
"My secret side I keep under lock and key. I keep him caged, but I can't control it. Cause if I let him out...he'll tear me up, bring me down. Why won't somebody come and save me from this?"
#7. The Call - Regina Spektor.
"Pick a star on the dark horizon and follow the light. You'll come back when it's over. No need to say goodbye. You'll come back when it's over. No need to say...goodbye."
#8. Everything - Michael Buble
"And I can't believe that I'm your man. And I get to kiss you baby just because I can. Oh, whatever comes our way we'll see it through. And you know that's what our love can do."
#9. My Immortal - Evanescense
"I tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone. But though you're still with me, I've been alone all along."
#10. Listen to your Heart - Roxette.
"Sometimes you wonder if this fight is worthwhile. The precious moments are all lost in the tide. They're swept away and nothing is what it seems...the feeling of belonging to your dreams."
Probably not the 10 songs I would have picked....but that's what came up on the shuffle!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Day 24: Something you've learned
Okay, so I totally thought today was going to be iPod shuffle, and I was all excited and have it here all ready to go. Nooooooooope. It's "something you've learned." Which I am not nearly as excited about. Especially now that I was all hyped up on the music thing. Sheesh.
Something I have recently learned about myself is that I need to calm the heck down before I make a big drama about a situation.
Seriously, I have never thought of myself as being a drama queen. Like an "OMG, I just broke a naaaail WAHH!" type.
I am.
I totally am.
I think I used to be tougher than that, but I've wimped out more and more as life has progressed. I hate getting made fun of. "Can't you take a joke?!" No, actually, I can't. I'll probably go home and cry afterwards.
I just freak out about everything. I freaked out about streaking my hair at home, and then everybody said they liked it. I freaked about doing some girls hair for prom, and then they said they liked it. I freak out about taking horrible pictures and everybody says they like them. I just...get so emotional about everythiiiing.
So last time I went and got my hair dyed at the salon, I didn't know what I thought of it. Then Nick told me he thought the blonde looked like I had gray hair and then the meltdown was about to ensue. I had to go back now and tell her to dye it back over. I was about to run to the store and box dye my whole head to cover them up. I wasn't going to step outside because I looked like a freak of nature. ....And then, I took a deep breath. And made an appointment for a few days later, so I had more time to get used to it and see if I liked them or not. And I did! But I did go back and had them toned.
So I've learned that I can be a tad bit over the top about some pretty petty things. And I get a little bit too emotionally involved in...everything. It will probably be a work in progress for the rest of my life, but it's good to know.
Something I have recently learned about myself is that I need to calm the heck down before I make a big drama about a situation.
Seriously, I have never thought of myself as being a drama queen. Like an "OMG, I just broke a naaaail WAHH!" type.
I am.
I totally am.
I think I used to be tougher than that, but I've wimped out more and more as life has progressed. I hate getting made fun of. "Can't you take a joke?!" No, actually, I can't. I'll probably go home and cry afterwards.
I just freak out about everything. I freaked out about streaking my hair at home, and then everybody said they liked it. I freaked about doing some girls hair for prom, and then they said they liked it. I freak out about taking horrible pictures and everybody says they like them. I just...get so emotional about everythiiiing.
So last time I went and got my hair dyed at the salon, I didn't know what I thought of it. Then Nick told me he thought the blonde looked like I had gray hair and then the meltdown was about to ensue. I had to go back now and tell her to dye it back over. I was about to run to the store and box dye my whole head to cover them up. I wasn't going to step outside because I looked like a freak of nature. ....And then, I took a deep breath. And made an appointment for a few days later, so I had more time to get used to it and see if I liked them or not. And I did! But I did go back and had them toned.
So I've learned that I can be a tad bit over the top about some pretty petty things. And I get a little bit too emotionally involved in...everything. It will probably be a work in progress for the rest of my life, but it's good to know.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Day 23: Favorite Books
Ah, this shall be a fun one! :D
Obviously all-time favorite best book in the whole world is...you guessed it, The Bible!
Which I actually wanted to say a quick word about that the husband and I had discussed a day or two ago. It was how often people want to pick 1 verse out of the Bible and try to dissect it without reading the rest of the passage. They go on about their opinion on what such and such might maybe mean, when if they just read the few verses before that, you would see that "such and such" was already explained. Kind of like in a paper, you might abbreviate a word that you were going to use over and over again so as to not type the whole thing out every time. So if somebody started midway through, they might be a tad confused.
Anyway....just thought that was pretty interesting, simple and very true. I found it insightful.
Book #2 is kind of gonna clash with Book #1. Teehee! At least in my mom's opinion (and quite a few others, but her most closely related to me). I am in LURVE with the Harry Potter series! I love, love, loooove every single one of those books! The goblet of fire being my favorite, favorite. And I didn't care for the movies too much until they expanded their budget and started to make them awesome. I cannot WAIT for part II of the Deathly Hallows. EEK!!!! (That was my insane fan girl scream). And I just wanna point out that Edward was Cedric Diggory before he became a vampire. Also, I used to have a massive crush on Oliver Wood. Just sayin'.
I have too many that I love to list them all, so instead of books I'm just going to name the author--Sophie Kinsella. Ahh! Give me anything by her and I will devour it within hours! I love her writing! She's so hilarious and all of the crazy things that happen to the characters are so...like, YES that would totally happen in real-life to ME. It's relatable! I will say a slight con is that a lot of the books are kiiiinda the same story, just with different twists. But that's alright--I love them all!
And the last I shall mention is actually going to be another author. Sandra Boynton! She's a children's book author, and Ryan owns like, 5 of her board books already. I loved her even before I was pregnant with him, so....he will eventually have her entire collection probably. Hehe! The drawings are just so cute and I love her humor! They're so adorable, but not cheesy and really funny. I read Ryan "Night-Night, Little Pookie" every night for bed. And I'll be buying him "Happy Birthday, Little Pookie" in a couple months to finish off his Pookie collection.
Just a few of my top faves! <3
Until tomorrow, my luffs. Which is also a fun one...iPod shuffle! Woot!
Obviously all-time favorite best book in the whole world is...you guessed it, The Bible!
Which I actually wanted to say a quick word about that the husband and I had discussed a day or two ago. It was how often people want to pick 1 verse out of the Bible and try to dissect it without reading the rest of the passage. They go on about their opinion on what such and such might maybe mean, when if they just read the few verses before that, you would see that "such and such" was already explained. Kind of like in a paper, you might abbreviate a word that you were going to use over and over again so as to not type the whole thing out every time. So if somebody started midway through, they might be a tad confused.
Anyway....just thought that was pretty interesting, simple and very true. I found it insightful.
Book #2 is kind of gonna clash with Book #1. Teehee! At least in my mom's opinion (and quite a few others, but her most closely related to me). I am in LURVE with the Harry Potter series! I love, love, loooove every single one of those books! The goblet of fire being my favorite, favorite. And I didn't care for the movies too much until they expanded their budget and started to make them awesome. I cannot WAIT for part II of the Deathly Hallows. EEK!!!! (That was my insane fan girl scream). And I just wanna point out that Edward was Cedric Diggory before he became a vampire. Also, I used to have a massive crush on Oliver Wood. Just sayin'.
I have too many that I love to list them all, so instead of books I'm just going to name the author--Sophie Kinsella. Ahh! Give me anything by her and I will devour it within hours! I love her writing! She's so hilarious and all of the crazy things that happen to the characters are so...like, YES that would totally happen in real-life to ME. It's relatable! I will say a slight con is that a lot of the books are kiiiinda the same story, just with different twists. But that's alright--I love them all!
And the last I shall mention is actually going to be another author. Sandra Boynton! She's a children's book author, and Ryan owns like, 5 of her board books already. I loved her even before I was pregnant with him, so....he will eventually have her entire collection probably. Hehe! The drawings are just so cute and I love her humor! They're so adorable, but not cheesy and really funny. I read Ryan "Night-Night, Little Pookie" every night for bed. And I'll be buying him "Happy Birthday, Little Pookie" in a couple months to finish off his Pookie collection.
Just a few of my top faves! <3
Until tomorrow, my luffs. Which is also a fun one...iPod shuffle! Woot!
Friday, June 17, 2011
Day 22: What's in your purse?
Nothing. Because I don't actually USE a purse right now! I had a little mishap where I was leaving my purse in the car every evening after work, because I didn't use any of the contents when I was in the house. It was kind of a hassle to carry with the baby and whatnot, so I just started leaving it on the floor in the passenger side of my car. Weeeeeell, I either forgot to lock it, or somebody broke into it one night and had rifled through all my compartments in the car and had taken the purse.... Waahh! :( I actually ended up getting it back. Whoever took it just dumped it in the alley behind our house (because it didn't have anything useful in it. Dur.) But it's kind of tainted with unease now, so I quit using it. I have other purses, but I just started carrying a wristlet instead. I really enjoy it so much more. I bought this one from my Thirty-One Gifts consultant about 2 months ago...
And I am lovin' it! It has a perfect size pocket on the outside with a velcro strap for my cell phone, and whenever I carry it anywhere, I just slip my key ring over the wristlet. I love the fabric I chose. It's very much my style and the little floral pattern has so many colors that it goes with practically ALL of my outfits!
On the inside there's a little coin pocket that I hardly ever use, but there is currently $1.01 in there right now. It did come in handy the other day to satisfy a Mike's Chill craving! I'd say about 95% of the time there is NO cash in my wallet, and MC doesn't take debit cards! AHH! So I pulled together quite a few quarters from the change pocket and cup holders in my car. Cookie Dough Chiller...I love you.
I have a Target gift card, which I think has about $10? left on it. A O'Charley's gift card that I'm not sure has any money on it...
Something for Nick for Father's day that I can't say just incase he reads this... :)
My Driver's License that expires in less than a month--AHH again! Because I turned 21. Now I get a fancy schmany NORMAL landscape-style license rather than this goofy portrait crap. Haha! (Do you guys even know what I'm talking about? That was confusing.)
Okay, I DO have $46 in cash, but only because I haven't deposited it in the bank yet.
A Mary Kay sales slip, a mail delivery confirmation receipt, Big Lots receipt, 2 Walmart receipts, PoTC movie stub and an Arby's receipt (French Dip. YUM!).
My "business" account debit card and Nick and I's joint account debit card....and that's all! Not exactly the most exciting "purse" dive in the world. And even if I still used a purse, it wouldn't have been exciting either. It was always empty save my wallet, phone and keys. And maybe a tumbleweed or two.
Um, tomorrow is favorite movie again. Does that mean free pass? I shall seek alternative topics and see you then!
And I am lovin' it! It has a perfect size pocket on the outside with a velcro strap for my cell phone, and whenever I carry it anywhere, I just slip my key ring over the wristlet. I love the fabric I chose. It's very much my style and the little floral pattern has so many colors that it goes with practically ALL of my outfits!
On the inside there's a little coin pocket that I hardly ever use, but there is currently $1.01 in there right now. It did come in handy the other day to satisfy a Mike's Chill craving! I'd say about 95% of the time there is NO cash in my wallet, and MC doesn't take debit cards! AHH! So I pulled together quite a few quarters from the change pocket and cup holders in my car. Cookie Dough Chiller...I love you.
I have a Target gift card, which I think has about $10? left on it. A O'Charley's gift card that I'm not sure has any money on it...
Something for Nick for Father's day that I can't say just incase he reads this... :)
My Driver's License that expires in less than a month--AHH again! Because I turned 21. Now I get a fancy schmany NORMAL landscape-style license rather than this goofy portrait crap. Haha! (Do you guys even know what I'm talking about? That was confusing.)
Okay, I DO have $46 in cash, but only because I haven't deposited it in the bank yet.
A Mary Kay sales slip, a mail delivery confirmation receipt, Big Lots receipt, 2 Walmart receipts, PoTC movie stub and an Arby's receipt (French Dip. YUM!).
My "business" account debit card and Nick and I's joint account debit card....and that's all! Not exactly the most exciting "purse" dive in the world. And even if I still used a purse, it wouldn't have been exciting either. It was always empty save my wallet, phone and keys. And maybe a tumbleweed or two.
Um, tomorrow is favorite movie again. Does that mean free pass? I shall seek alternative topics and see you then!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Day 21: Favorite picture of yourself of all time
Of all time? There is no way I am decisive enough to choose a favorite OF ALL TIME! Gimme a break.
Though this is the photo that first came to mind....it's pretty and kinda artsy fartsy. So I'll go with it. :P

Monday, June 13, 2011
Day 20: Nicknames
Koosh Muffin
(Emily Becker)
(Online Friend)
(Me, maybe?)
Koosh Muffin
(Emily Becker)
(Online Friend)
(Me, maybe?)
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Day 19: Something you miss
Okay, I know this is going to sound kind of weird and totally opposite to what normal people miss....buuut....
I miss living at home.
Get out of here, right?! Don't get me wrong, I'm lovin' life right here and now, but it always tugs on my heartstrings a little when I go hang out with my little sister Emilie at my parents house, and the time starts to wane and I have to get my stuff and drive back to our apartment. I mean, even after two years my bedroom is right there down the hall. Sure, my decorations are all gone, but the furniture and my bed are there, and I think even all my goofy posters and drawings are stapled to the back of the closet wall still.
I feel like I hardly ever go outside anymore. There's just so much pavement and people...out at my parents house it's completely private, not a car in sight, and just looking at the big stretches of green grass and my favorite shady tree makes me remember the yearning feeling I used to get to just go outside and sit. Or sing. Or run around with our dogs.
Whenever I go to work at the store, and I stay until closing time and my dad turns out the lights...I remember staying late to play Warcraft (we only had dial-up at home) until ridiculous hours of the morning with my online friends and having such a wonderful time.
And it's selfish, but going with my mom and sister shopping and having to buy just the couple things that I can afford at the time makes me miss being able to just buy the things I needed or wanted without thinking, "This $20 shirt, or a box of diapers?" I wasn't frivolous about those things even then, but I really can't be now. I always wish I had been a little bit crazier about the things I bought now, but I'm sure my parents were glad that I wasn't. ;P
I'm a strange one.
Until tomorrow!
I miss living at home.
Get out of here, right?! Don't get me wrong, I'm lovin' life right here and now, but it always tugs on my heartstrings a little when I go hang out with my little sister Emilie at my parents house, and the time starts to wane and I have to get my stuff and drive back to our apartment. I mean, even after two years my bedroom is right there down the hall. Sure, my decorations are all gone, but the furniture and my bed are there, and I think even all my goofy posters and drawings are stapled to the back of the closet wall still.
I feel like I hardly ever go outside anymore. There's just so much pavement and people...out at my parents house it's completely private, not a car in sight, and just looking at the big stretches of green grass and my favorite shady tree makes me remember the yearning feeling I used to get to just go outside and sit. Or sing. Or run around with our dogs.
Whenever I go to work at the store, and I stay until closing time and my dad turns out the lights...I remember staying late to play Warcraft (we only had dial-up at home) until ridiculous hours of the morning with my online friends and having such a wonderful time.
And it's selfish, but going with my mom and sister shopping and having to buy just the couple things that I can afford at the time makes me miss being able to just buy the things I needed or wanted without thinking, "This $20 shirt, or a box of diapers?" I wasn't frivolous about those things even then, but I really can't be now. I always wish I had been a little bit crazier about the things I bought now, but I'm sure my parents were glad that I wasn't. ;P
I'm a strange one.
Until tomorrow!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Day 18: Favorite Place to Eat
Somebody just asked me this the other day, actually. And it really depends on a lot of things...How hungry I am, what type of food I'm in the mood for, location or willingness to drive far, time of day. But I would say for the most part, I am up for Olive Garden at just about any given moment! I am in love with their salad, which is kind of strange because I prefer ranch dressing and am not a giant fan of lettuce in general. But I love it just the way it comes with that yummy Italian and some grated cheese. YUM! And it's a rare enough occasion that I get to go there, that I'm never willing to sacrifice eating my favorite to try something different. Fettuccine Alfredo for the win! It's a little sad though, because I am always a little curious what another dish would be like. Not sad enough for me to ever find out though. ;)
Okay, I'm really hungry now and I just ate. >: /
Sorry for the super long break and blah blah blah. To only stick with something for 2 weeks is so typical of me. Ugh. I really need to push the envelope and try to up my consistency.
Okay, I'm really hungry now and I just ate. >: /
Sorry for the super long break and blah blah blah. To only stick with something for 2 weeks is so typical of me. Ugh. I really need to push the envelope and try to up my consistency.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Day 17: Something you're looking forward to
I know that it's technically here already, but I mean the events that will happen during summer. I can't wait to get Ryan a little baby pool and have fun with him and Keaghan (A little baby boy who lives in the other apartment) playing outside. I can't wait for our landlords to open up the patio section of our house for us and grill out with some friends. I'm so looking forward to all the walks that Ryan and I will take and the beautiful summer flowers. I'm looking forward to the 4th of July and eating popsicles. I'm (cross your fingers) looking forward to losing more weight and feeling more confident steppin' out in some shorts. :)
There are things about summer than I'm not super psyched about. But let's not damper the mood with any of that. :P
I know that it's technically here already, but I mean the events that will happen during summer. I can't wait to get Ryan a little baby pool and have fun with him and Keaghan (A little baby boy who lives in the other apartment) playing outside. I can't wait for our landlords to open up the patio section of our house for us and grill out with some friends. I'm so looking forward to all the walks that Ryan and I will take and the beautiful summer flowers. I'm looking forward to the 4th of July and eating popsicles. I'm (cross your fingers) looking forward to losing more weight and feeling more confident steppin' out in some shorts. :)
There are things about summer than I'm not super psyched about. But let's not damper the mood with any of that. :P
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Day 16: Dream House
My dream house would probably not be crazy HUGE, but pretty darn big....at least 4 bedrooms, a master bedroom with a bathroom of its own and a maaaassive jacuzzi tub. But I would like the house to be sweet and homey, and have a big porch with furniture and a porch swing. A patio and a in-ground pool, a grand staircase, ample backyard, stocked with gorgeous light fixtures and stainless steel appliances. A big, but cozy kitchen, non of that sterile minimalistic crap. Super plush furniture, a huge TV and a roaring fireplace to cozy up to in the winter. And french doors. Lots and lots of french doors!
And that is not a dream that I think will ever come true. Which has it's pros, because I can barely keep our apartment tidy, let alone a huge house with multiple bathrooms. Kill me now! :P But I suppose if I lived in such a place I could also afford housekeeping, so yeeeah.
Nick saw a house for sale down the street from us and he really liked it from the outside. I think that this is the first time ever that he's searched the internets for house listings and I've felt like--you're wasting your time, don't bother, too expensive, what's wrong with where we live right now?
And seriously. I love where we live. I am in rare form to be so content and happy. I'm always looking for the bigger and better thing, but right now I am just dandy! For our financial situation, I feel like I already live in the dream house of our current "class". Which doesn't mean I've stopped looking for the better thing to decorate it with. Eep. ;)
Come on. Don't you love it?! I LOVE IT! :)
It's an apartment, but you would barely know, right? The house has so much character compared to the little box-o-partment that we lived in before. It's so pretty and cozy here. I just love it! (Could I say that one more time?) And I also love that we know and are friendly with the other renters. Our landlords are also wonderful. And the rent is crazy awwwesooome.
Anywaaaay. If you want to go see the other post I wrote about moving into this amazing space, you can right here.
Talk at you guys tomorrow. ;)
And that is not a dream that I think will ever come true. Which has it's pros, because I can barely keep our apartment tidy, let alone a huge house with multiple bathrooms. Kill me now! :P But I suppose if I lived in such a place I could also afford housekeeping, so yeeeah.
Nick saw a house for sale down the street from us and he really liked it from the outside. I think that this is the first time ever that he's searched the internets for house listings and I've felt like--you're wasting your time, don't bother, too expensive, what's wrong with where we live right now?
And seriously. I love where we live. I am in rare form to be so content and happy. I'm always looking for the bigger and better thing, but right now I am just dandy! For our financial situation, I feel like I already live in the dream house of our current "class". Which doesn't mean I've stopped looking for the better thing to decorate it with. Eep. ;)
Come on. Don't you love it?! I LOVE IT! :)
It's an apartment, but you would barely know, right? The house has so much character compared to the little box-o-partment that we lived in before. It's so pretty and cozy here. I just love it! (Could I say that one more time?) And I also love that we know and are friendly with the other renters. Our landlords are also wonderful. And the rent is crazy awwwesooome.
Anywaaaay. If you want to go see the other post I wrote about moving into this amazing space, you can right here.
Talk at you guys tomorrow. ;)
Friday, May 6, 2011
Day 15: A Bible Verse
I don't know at what point that I chose this verse as my favorite, and if I went and looked for a verse specifically, I would probably find another that I would like better. But I've always been fond of Jeremiah 29:11.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
I always found that verse to be very comforting. I know in the context he's specifically speaking to a group of people, but ah well! I still like it. :)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
I always found that verse to be very comforting. I know in the context he's specifically speaking to a group of people, but ah well! I still like it. :)
Day 14: A picture of yourself last year
"A picture of yourself last year and how you've changed"
1. Well I suppose the most glaringly obvious thing would be that I was about 6 months pregnant at this time last year, and that has changed into being motherhood now.
2. We moved into a new apartment building that I LOVE and that you can read about here.
Those are the two major things that have happened to me. If I think of anything that has changed about myself personally than I will maybe come back and edit that in when I think of it, but really....I'm the same as I was then. :) Which is just fine.
1. Well I suppose the most glaringly obvious thing would be that I was about 6 months pregnant at this time last year, and that has changed into being motherhood now.
2. We moved into a new apartment building that I LOVE and that you can read about here.
Those are the two major things that have happened to me. If I think of anything that has changed about myself personally than I will maybe come back and edit that in when I think of it, but really....I'm the same as I was then. :) Which is just fine.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Day 13: My Goals
Since I am SO far behind on this already (2 days. YIKES!) I decided to copy cat Emily here and post my super old "bucket list" so here goes...
1. Get my ears/cartilage pierced.
2. Get my license.
3. Finish highschool.
4. Meet my soulmate.
5. Model at least once.
6. Get married.
7. Have a honeymoon.
8. Have kids.
9. Name one of my children after somebody.
10. Own a corset.
11. Win a soul to Christ.
12. Hit my goal weight.
13. Design a room (not my own).
14. Train a dog.
15. Own a house.
16. Get a surprise Birthday party.
17. Be a maid of honor.
18. Own a successful coffee house.
19. Be a role model to someone.
20. Get my eyes checked.
21. Go to the doctor.
22. Go to the dentist.
23. Save someone's life.
24. Go to a spa.
25. Get a manicure.
26. Get my hair done at a salon.
27. Stay in touch with the Square.
28. Take my husband camping.
29. Swim in the ocean.
30. Ride a train.
31. Fly in an airplane.
32. Dye my hair a bright color.
33. Go to New York City.
34. Ride in a taxi.
35. Find buried treasure. Yarr.
36. Get high-speed Internet.
37. Hit level 80 in Warcraft.
38. Get winked at by a stranger.
39. Get surprised with flowers.
40. Learn to dance.
41. Collect 200 Jones bottles.
42. Get a picture put on a Jones bottle.
43. Be the lead role in a play.
44. Sing solo without being nervous.
45. Pass TI Regionals with my individual presentation.
46. Be on a CD.
47. Be in a band.
48. Own more make-up than eye liner and chapstick.
49. Learn how to put it on.
50. Grow my hair out to my waist.
51. Look hot in a swimsuit.
52. Go on a cruise.
53. Be in a movie.
54. Go to Las Vegas.
55. Get a tour of a castle.
56. Own a car.
57. Own a horse.
58. Read the entire Bible.
59. Get kissed under mistletoe.
60. Kiss with Pop Rocks.
61. Go to another concert.
62. Own designer anything.
63. See Niagra Falls.
64. Shoot a real gun.
65. Be good friends with a famous person.
66. Give a speech that changes someone's life.
67. Say something that becomes a famous quote.
68. Be on television.
And so on... :)
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Day 12: Something you don't leave the house without
Because if I left the house without my keys there would be no way to get back inside. I have to take them with me even on a walk, because we live in an apartment, and the doors automatically lock behind you. The other renters in our place have had to ring the bell a couple times to get back in when the wind decided to close the door for them. And I don't want that to ever happen to me. Especially toting a little one around.
Because if I left the house without my keys there would be no way to get back inside. I have to take them with me even on a walk, because we live in an apartment, and the doors automatically lock behind you. The other renters in our place have had to ring the bell a couple times to get back in when the wind decided to close the door for them. And I don't want that to ever happen to me. Especially toting a little one around.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Day 11: Favorite TV Shows
The only TV I ever watched as a child were Saturday morning cartoons, and I watched them with my brother, Nathan. Had I been alone in my choices, I might not have watched a lot of the shows that I did. Definitely saw a lot of TMNT and Power Rangers for being a little girl. One of my favorite cartoons though were the Animaniacs.
We had about 3 channels that we could get with our antenna. 15, 23 & 27. There were a couple others in there, but most of them were too fuzzy to be enjoyable. When I started growing out of cartoons, my mom and dad didn't actually let us watch TV...but I somehow managed to sneak quite a few viewings of "Friends" anyhow.
And finally, WE HAVE TV!!! But we only have a basic cable package, because it's cheaper to have both TV and internet than internet alone. So...we have it, but we don't use it. Ever. We do have Netflix though, and that is where I discovered this little gem...
I am in LOVE with the show, Bones! I love all of the characters and I never get bored of the plots in every episode. I used to really enjoy Law & Order, until I overdosed on the MILLION episodes that are available on Netflix. They just started to get too boring, because each episode of L&O usually stands alone. Not much is going on with the constant characters, you don't ever hear much about them or their story. With Bones there's a developing story with the characters and also very interesting crime cases to solve. :)
There's a whole 'nother season out that I haven't even touched because it's not available yet. I was pretty content to wait, but...it's been forever and I want to see the new episodes so bad! I recruited my friend Mason (Who also loves the show) to help me find it somewhere else available online next time I get a free evening.
I started watching Bones when I was in my third trimester with Ryan. I watched back to back episodes every night, and by the time he was born I had seen all 4 seasons available at the time. About 2-3 months ago season 5 finally was available for instant play. Ryan got up from a nap when I had just started yet another episode up, so I brought him out to nurse him in the living room so I could still watch it. It didn't bother him, he didn't pay any attention to the show...all the way up until the theme music started. He whipped his head around so fast, and STARED at the laptop screen. I really think he recognized the music! Crazy, huh?
First time I've ever been super in-love with a TV show! Bones is definitely my all-time favorite.
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We're zany to the max! |
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I'll be there for you! |
I am in LOVE with the show, Bones! I love all of the characters and I never get bored of the plots in every episode. I used to really enjoy Law & Order, until I overdosed on the MILLION episodes that are available on Netflix. They just started to get too boring, because each episode of L&O usually stands alone. Not much is going on with the constant characters, you don't ever hear much about them or their story. With Bones there's a developing story with the characters and also very interesting crime cases to solve. :)
There's a whole 'nother season out that I haven't even touched because it's not available yet. I was pretty content to wait, but...it's been forever and I want to see the new episodes so bad! I recruited my friend Mason (Who also loves the show) to help me find it somewhere else available online next time I get a free evening.
I started watching Bones when I was in my third trimester with Ryan. I watched back to back episodes every night, and by the time he was born I had seen all 4 seasons available at the time. About 2-3 months ago season 5 finally was available for instant play. Ryan got up from a nap when I had just started yet another episode up, so I brought him out to nurse him in the living room so I could still watch it. It didn't bother him, he didn't pay any attention to the show...all the way up until the theme music started. He whipped his head around so fast, and STARED at the laptop screen. I really think he recognized the music! Crazy, huh?
First time I've ever been super in-love with a TV show! Bones is definitely my all-time favorite.
Day 10: Something you're afraid of
Okay, whoa whoa whoa. I must have gone to bed before I hit publish on this, because I totally wrote it yesterday. Argh! I'm not late!!!!
I like taking pictures. I like taking pictures of people. I like to capture a moment in someones life that they can hold onto forever, and be proud of the image they really, they have produced. It's the most simple way that I know to boost someones confidence and make them feel beautiful. I know that's always when I want to take a picture. When my self-esteem has somehow clambered its way out of the gutter, I go for the camera. I suppose that may sound conceited, in a way, but you're misunderstanding me. Just like nobody wants to take a picture on the day their dog dies. You want pictures of special events, fun and smiles. That's how I think of it.
Much more than my love for taking a photo, I don't know much. I have the lowest end "fancy" camera you can buy, the zoom lens that came along with it, and I just got a 2nd simple lens in the mail. Most of the time, my dial is stuck on the auto-mode, just like I'm still using my mom's point and shoot.
In theory, I'm slowly coming to understand what the other dials on my camera mean but I'm still not quite sure how to use them to my advantage. Especially when I can just sit in auto and the smart little camera will do it for me.
I suppose there's something to say about having an "eye" for photography. I wouldn't say mine is spectacular, (I wouldn't say anything about myself is spectacular) but I will say that other people have said that mine is pretty good. And I'll admit that sometimes...I tend to think so, too.
I can only find minor things that set me apart from the average joe taking a snapshot. And I can find little to nothing that makes me any better than a person also interested in photography, and I can find countless things that make me a million times worse than the people who can call themselves pros.
All that to say...
My biggest fear is failure/rejection. I'm the same way with my Mary Kay business. I love the products, I think the company is wonderful, but I'm just so afraid of 'bothering' someone with it. I don't want to fail, but I don't want to be rejected.
I would love to make some sort of living from Photography, but I tie myself up by prefacing anyone's interest with, like I just did: okay...but I'm terrible, I know nothing, don't pay me because I'm not worth it.
I'm really trying to work on the self-deprecation, and here's a quote that most of you have probably read before and I really love.
My favorite line, "Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?" Actually, who are you not to be?!
So yeah, again...it's something I'm working on. It's tough though.
I like taking pictures. I like taking pictures of people. I like to capture a moment in someones life that they can hold onto forever, and be proud of the image they really, they have produced. It's the most simple way that I know to boost someones confidence and make them feel beautiful. I know that's always when I want to take a picture. When my self-esteem has somehow clambered its way out of the gutter, I go for the camera. I suppose that may sound conceited, in a way, but you're misunderstanding me. Just like nobody wants to take a picture on the day their dog dies. You want pictures of special events, fun and smiles. That's how I think of it.
Much more than my love for taking a photo, I don't know much. I have the lowest end "fancy" camera you can buy, the zoom lens that came along with it, and I just got a 2nd simple lens in the mail. Most of the time, my dial is stuck on the auto-mode, just like I'm still using my mom's point and shoot.
In theory, I'm slowly coming to understand what the other dials on my camera mean but I'm still not quite sure how to use them to my advantage. Especially when I can just sit in auto and the smart little camera will do it for me.
I suppose there's something to say about having an "eye" for photography. I wouldn't say mine is spectacular, (I wouldn't say anything about myself is spectacular) but I will say that other people have said that mine is pretty good. And I'll admit that sometimes...I tend to think so, too.
I can only find minor things that set me apart from the average joe taking a snapshot. And I can find little to nothing that makes me any better than a person also interested in photography, and I can find countless things that make me a million times worse than the people who can call themselves pros.
All that to say...
My biggest fear is failure/rejection. I'm the same way with my Mary Kay business. I love the products, I think the company is wonderful, but I'm just so afraid of 'bothering' someone with it. I don't want to fail, but I don't want to be rejected.
I would love to make some sort of living from Photography, but I tie myself up by prefacing anyone's interest with, like I just did: okay...but I'm terrible, I know nothing, don't pay me because I'm not worth it.
I'm really trying to work on the self-deprecation, and here's a quote that most of you have probably read before and I really love.
My favorite line, "Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?" Actually, who are you not to be?!
So yeah, again...it's something I'm working on. It's tough though.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Day 9: A favorite picture of your best friend
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My sister and my best friend. |
It's strange how time can change relationships so much. The people you thought would be next to you forever are distant. The loves you thought you would never die out are gone.
And then sometimes the people you never even considered are there for you and stronger than all the bonds you had put your confidence in.
This is one of my favorite pictures of me and my sister, Emilie. I love that crazy happy face of hers. =)
Friday, April 29, 2011
Day 8: A place you've traveled to
Well, I haven't traveled to all that many places of significant distance. I'd say probably just New York, Florida, and Omaha, Nebraska. I think I'll tell you a few tidbits about Omaha today, because it's the first place that I thought of when I read the topic for today.
It was a 2 week long mission's trip with the Calvary Youth Group in 2003. I remember being pretty excited and a lot of nervous. We had been planning, learning, rehearsing to go for weeks and it was finally time! I remember I packed a huge suitcase and also brought a carry-on bag for the bus. Thinking I would be one smart cookie, I thoughtfully packed one of those little fleece blankets in my bag because you know how those long, long car rides can get. It's warm outside, but with the A/C going and you getting sleepy, sometimes things get a little chilly in there!
Yeah, well, laugh it up. Because the air conditioning didn't work in the bus. It didn't work ever. Our entire trip. Needless to say I never used the blanket.
I remember when we got there they grilled us yet again not to stare at anyone, and to give them a once-over was pretty much a death wish. Also, we're staying in some kind of facility with criminals, and they're under you. Don't walk anywhere without a group of like, 20. Scaaarryyyy.
We also played an ice breaker where you stated your name, plus something about yourself using the first letter. I was "Nice Natalie"...how original, amiright?
This was the first church we hosted our Vacation Bible School at. That little girl up in the corner's name was Genesis. We were friends. :) This is all of them playing some relay game in the parking lot. Woohoo!
By the end of our time at this VBS, we had all made some pretty good friends with the kids and it was sad to leave. But they did send us off with a yummy feast of Mexican food...that left everyone constantly in the restroom for the remainder of the trip. Just sayin'.
A lot of our good times happened in these huge, empty common rooms. My brother Nate and our friend, Daniel, practiced this...fight routine a lot. Don't exactly remember what the point of it was, but it was very entertaining to watch. I'm sure they could tell you.
Also I watched a lot of Dutch Blitz being played, but at the time I had no idea what the game was or how to play it, so I could never join in.
Also...Wanda's Workout. :)
Now that I think of it, I did not join in any of the activities just mentioned. Kind of sad, but I'm shy. I still have a lot of good memories from just people watching.
I remember a few things about this 1-day basketball camp we hosted...
1. We had all lost about 10lbs at this point of the trip, because the cafeteria where we ate reeked to high Heaven of I don't even know what, and immediately destroyed your appetite. I'm thinking it was this time that after the kitchen people had packed us a lunch of bread, cheese and graham crackers (again) that our youth leaders went out and bought us all Bic Macs. :) Sadly, I hate Big Macs. But it was still exciting.
2. Nobody showed up.
3. Daniel isn't pictured above because he was being driven to the hospital to have the gash in his leg from a cinder block stitched up. (Gag.)
I'm not sure at what point of the trip this was, but we did all go to the zoo while we were there! That was fuuun. :)
We laughed, we cried (and all dressed in black and made everyone who wasn't part of our youth group feel really awkward) we shared the gospel with a bunch of children and adults, we got locked out of our building and feared for our lives, we sweated and sweated and sweated some more, we bonded, we sang, we ate frosted animal crackers (yum!), we shared treasure, we found treasure (Shoutout to Emily and the Barbie game!!), we prayed, we learned, we loved, we had fun.
It really wasn't about the destination at all. It was about all of us being friends and having an adventure together. If you're with people that you love then it doesn't matter where you go...awesome memories will be made.
It was a 2 week long mission's trip with the Calvary Youth Group in 2003. I remember being pretty excited and a lot of nervous. We had been planning, learning, rehearsing to go for weeks and it was finally time! I remember I packed a huge suitcase and also brought a carry-on bag for the bus. Thinking I would be one smart cookie, I thoughtfully packed one of those little fleece blankets in my bag because you know how those long, long car rides can get. It's warm outside, but with the A/C going and you getting sleepy, sometimes things get a little chilly in there!
Yeah, well, laugh it up. Because the air conditioning didn't work in the bus. It didn't work ever. Our entire trip. Needless to say I never used the blanket.
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Here's a few of us sitting on the side of the road because the bus overheated. Again. |
We also played an ice breaker where you stated your name, plus something about yourself using the first letter. I was "Nice Natalie"...how original, amiright?
This was the first church we hosted our Vacation Bible School at. That little girl up in the corner's name was Genesis. We were friends. :) This is all of them playing some relay game in the parking lot. Woohoo!
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Skit. |
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This little dude LOVED Nic. |
Kelsey, Nic and I doing the skit for all the chillins. I remember knowing all my lines perfectly plus everybody elses. I also feel like I may have rubbed that in to the point of annoyance. Sorry! In my defense, I was 13. Pretty much everybody was at least a little annoying at 13.
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Keeley wanted to run on the wall too. |
A lot of our good times happened in these huge, empty common rooms. My brother Nate and our friend, Daniel, practiced this...fight routine a lot. Don't exactly remember what the point of it was, but it was very entertaining to watch. I'm sure they could tell you.
Also I watched a lot of Dutch Blitz being played, but at the time I had no idea what the game was or how to play it, so I could never join in.
Also...Wanda's Workout. :)
Now that I think of it, I did not join in any of the activities just mentioned. Kind of sad, but I'm shy. I still have a lot of good memories from just people watching.
I remember a few things about this 1-day basketball camp we hosted...
1. We had all lost about 10lbs at this point of the trip, because the cafeteria where we ate reeked to high Heaven of I don't even know what, and immediately destroyed your appetite. I'm thinking it was this time that after the kitchen people had packed us a lunch of bread, cheese and graham crackers (again) that our youth leaders went out and bought us all Bic Macs. :) Sadly, I hate Big Macs. But it was still exciting.
2. Nobody showed up.
3. Daniel isn't pictured above because he was being driven to the hospital to have the gash in his leg from a cinder block stitched up. (Gag.)
I'm not sure at what point of the trip this was, but we did all go to the zoo while we were there! That was fuuun. :)
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Daniel, submitting to the torture of getting his hair braided. |
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Nathan & Daniel in our "Stuck in Sin" skit. |
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Nate, Allison & Faith. |
It really wasn't about the destination at all. It was about all of us being friends and having an adventure together. If you're with people that you love then it doesn't matter where you go...awesome memories will be made.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Day 7: Favorite movies
I'm just gonna ignore the S on that title, just like I ignored the lack of the S on the previous post. Because my favorite movie encompasses ALL movies into one.
This movie has everything. Fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles! I always said, it was an amazing compilation of my favorite types of movies. Action, romance & comedy.
I love all of the characters of this movie SO much, that I don't think it's possible for me to just pick 1. But I think my top 3 would be Westley, Inigo and Miracle Max. Okay, I guess Westley might be my favorite favorite. After all, he IS the brave and charming hero. How could you not love him? :)
I can preeetty much quote this entire movie. From the little bleep bloop sounds from the baseball game in the beginning to the As you wish at the end. Faaavorite movie of all time. We cannot be friends if you haven't seen and LOVE this movie. It's pretty much top priority on my list of friend requirements. Or at least it would be if such a list existed...
*Sigh* I think may have to watch this after work today.
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Is this a kissing movie? |
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Friendless, brainless, helpless, HOPELESS! |
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I do not think it means what you think it means. |
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We'll never survive! Nonsense. You're only saying that because no one ever has. |
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Wuv. Twu Wuv. |
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Day 6: A picture of something that makes you happy
Easy peasy. :)
This little guy...makes me happier than words can even express. He has changed my whole life for the better. I loved pregnancy (Up until 9 months and 1 day...then I started to get a little annoyed), and feeling his little flutters and kicks was just awesome. Before I'd ever felt him move around in there I used to Google it practically every day searching for information on what to look for so I would know when I felt it. I found a lot of people who said that they weren't sure whether they had just felt their baby move or they were a little gassy. This is totally TMI, but now that I know what it feels like, gas really does feel like a baby kick sometimes! Who ever knew that that could elicit such beautiful memories? ;)
I want to go on and make this a birth story post, buuuut...I feel like that epic event needs its own blog title and post, not just a day in a 30 day challenge! Psh! He deserves better than that.
I know I was probably only supposed to choose 1 picture, but...how can I possibly resist? How can you? Look at this cuteness!!
He's so independent. It makes me a little sad sometimes, but for the most part I love it. He lays down for naps if he's sleepy with no problem at all, he prefers to feed himself his own bottle and finger foods, he's generally in a constant good mood, he loves to meet people and smiles at strangers (Flirt!), he loves to play, loves to eat, loves me and his daddy.....he's such a good boy.
So there. A few pictures of something or someone I should say, that makes me SO happy!
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Can you believe he was born mere hours before this photo? He is adorable. |
Awe! I love you, too! |
I know I was probably only supposed to choose 1 picture, but...how can I possibly resist? How can you? Look at this cuteness!!
Hewwo. :) |
He's so independent. It makes me a little sad sometimes, but for the most part I love it. He lays down for naps if he's sleepy with no problem at all, he prefers to feed himself his own bottle and finger foods, he's generally in a constant good mood, he loves to meet people and smiles at strangers (Flirt!), he loves to play, loves to eat, loves me and his daddy.....he's such a good boy.
So there. A few pictures of something or someone I should say, that makes me SO happy!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Day 5: Siblings
I'm going to make this short and sweet.
I have (for what feels like the millionth time) 6 brothers and sisters. 4 brothers, 2 sisters. My oldest brothers are twins, Matt & Dave. I always say them in that order, too...Matt & Dave, even though technically, Dave came first. Everyone always asks me if they look alike, but they're fraternal. They have totally different personalities, too. Whenever I think of Dave, I think of cleaning...hehe! He's a neat freak. Plus hospitality. I loved going over to his and Laurie's (his wifey) house as a kid. And whenever I think of Matt I think of encouragement and inspiration to do what you love.
Next is my sister, Amy. The story I always remember when I think of her is one that Matt tells about asking her why she had so many pillows on her bed. And she had a purpose for all of them, including one to lay her hand on. Hehe! She's a great listener. I can always count on her for a fun chat, a rant, and some good feedback.
My next brother, Aaron, was the coolest brother. (No offense, you guys) I was always excited to see all of them, but Aaron especially. ...Probably because I knew I'd make an easy $5 for a back rub. ;) Whenever I think of Aaron I think easy-going and funny. Two of my favorite traits!
Nathan is brilliant. Brilliant to the point of overwhelming (me, anyway. Since I don't know much at all) He knows so much stuff about everything, and always has. My favorite memories of him are playing spies and Power Rangers, watching the Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles movies over and over and ooovveerrr, rewinding funny parts of cartoons 10x and laughing more hysterically every time and playing the egg scooping game on Diddy Kong Racing. He is awesomeness.
When I was a kid I used to be the closest to Nathan, and my little sister Emilie was kind of a drag. We fought a TON, she was a major copycat and always wanted to hang around when friends came over. Typical little sister annoyance stuff. About the time she got in to the teen group is when we finally started bonding the most. We did more activities together and leaned on each other more. Our groups of friends finally meshed so it wasn't her little friends and my friends, we were all together. She is now my closest sibling and my bestest friend. Emilie is spunky, hilarious, caring and also a great listener.
I love you guys! :)
I have (for what feels like the millionth time) 6 brothers and sisters. 4 brothers, 2 sisters. My oldest brothers are twins, Matt & Dave. I always say them in that order, too...Matt & Dave, even though technically, Dave came first. Everyone always asks me if they look alike, but they're fraternal. They have totally different personalities, too. Whenever I think of Dave, I think of cleaning...hehe! He's a neat freak. Plus hospitality. I loved going over to his and Laurie's (his wifey) house as a kid. And whenever I think of Matt I think of encouragement and inspiration to do what you love.
Next is my sister, Amy. The story I always remember when I think of her is one that Matt tells about asking her why she had so many pillows on her bed. And she had a purpose for all of them, including one to lay her hand on. Hehe! She's a great listener. I can always count on her for a fun chat, a rant, and some good feedback.
My next brother, Aaron, was the coolest brother. (No offense, you guys) I was always excited to see all of them, but Aaron especially. ...Probably because I knew I'd make an easy $5 for a back rub. ;) Whenever I think of Aaron I think easy-going and funny. Two of my favorite traits!
Nathan is brilliant. Brilliant to the point of overwhelming (me, anyway. Since I don't know much at all) He knows so much stuff about everything, and always has. My favorite memories of him are playing spies and Power Rangers, watching the Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles movies over and over and ooovveerrr, rewinding funny parts of cartoons 10x and laughing more hysterically every time and playing the egg scooping game on Diddy Kong Racing. He is awesomeness.
When I was a kid I used to be the closest to Nathan, and my little sister Emilie was kind of a drag. We fought a TON, she was a major copycat and always wanted to hang around when friends came over. Typical little sister annoyance stuff. About the time she got in to the teen group is when we finally started bonding the most. We did more activities together and leaned on each other more. Our groups of friends finally meshed so it wasn't her little friends and my friends, we were all together. She is now my closest sibling and my bestest friend. Emilie is spunky, hilarious, caring and also a great listener.
I love you guys! :)
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My WHOLE family at my wedding in 2009. |
Monday, April 25, 2011
Day 4: Your Parents
*For family who may read this and see all of the facts I got horribly, horribly wrong...forgive my memory. I'm on a deadline.*
This is the 5th time I've tried to write the intro for this post. "Your parents" is just too vague for me, too broad a topic. They both just need to start their own blog! I guess I'll just haphazardly write bits and pieces of what comes to my mind.
My dad grew up in government housing. He told me it was actually bigger and nicer than the house they lived in before that, because you were only allowed to 2 kids per room. His dad wasn't much of a role model, but he liked to hug his mama as long as his other brothers weren't around to see.
My mom lived in a small house with all of her J-named brothers and sisters. Her dad was hardworking, and her mama made and sold drapes.
I don't know too much about their highschool experience. I feel like all the stories my dad has told about school was middleschool or younger. I know my mom was kind of popular and was really good at dance and tap. I don't know much about how they started dating or for how long either, but I know they got married when my mom had just turned 18, and my dad was 19. They fit all of their belongings into a car and drove on their wedding day to live in a pre-furnished house in Michigan, where my dad worked in his Uncle's grocery store.
Through the years, they moved back to live here again, and from all of my Great-Uncle's teachings, my dad went on to become a very successful business owner of a meat packing shop. Him and my mom lived in a nice house and my mom had a tubal ligation after their fourth child.
Obviously you know from my previous posts that there are 7 of us, not 4.
After listening to the teachings of (insert some dude's name I can't remember here), they pulled the 4 kids out of school to homeschool, cleared all their cabinets of any kind of junk food, went governmentally MIA, and had my mom's operation reversed. They moved out to the country and 10 years or so after their 4th child--5th, 6th (me) and 7th arrived.
I thank my parents for their strong relationship with God, or I wouldn't be here today. After growing up in the Methodist church and believing that Jesus was a miniature person that automatically lived inside of your heart, my mom ventured on her own to open up her Bible and find the real meaning of salvation. My dad was converted by a friend.
My dad is kind, opinionated, traditional, a provider and a leader.
My mom is sharing, loving, nurturing, strong and righteous.
There are things about my life and being raised by those two people that I could be unhappy about. But at the end of the day, I love them both very much, and I don't mind the way I turned out.
I liked the card that they gave me for my Birthday a week or so ago. It said, "To have a terrific daughter like you takes one of two things: 1. Perfect parents OR 2. Parents who really lucked out! -- Hey, you believe what you want, and we'll do the same!"
This is the 5th time I've tried to write the intro for this post. "Your parents" is just too vague for me, too broad a topic. They both just need to start their own blog! I guess I'll just haphazardly write bits and pieces of what comes to my mind.
My dad grew up in government housing. He told me it was actually bigger and nicer than the house they lived in before that, because you were only allowed to 2 kids per room. His dad wasn't much of a role model, but he liked to hug his mama as long as his other brothers weren't around to see.
My mom lived in a small house with all of her J-named brothers and sisters. Her dad was hardworking, and her mama made and sold drapes.
I don't know too much about their highschool experience. I feel like all the stories my dad has told about school was middleschool or younger. I know my mom was kind of popular and was really good at dance and tap. I don't know much about how they started dating or for how long either, but I know they got married when my mom had just turned 18, and my dad was 19. They fit all of their belongings into a car and drove on their wedding day to live in a pre-furnished house in Michigan, where my dad worked in his Uncle's grocery store.
Through the years, they moved back to live here again, and from all of my Great-Uncle's teachings, my dad went on to become a very successful business owner of a meat packing shop. Him and my mom lived in a nice house and my mom had a tubal ligation after their fourth child.
Obviously you know from my previous posts that there are 7 of us, not 4.
After listening to the teachings of (insert some dude's name I can't remember here), they pulled the 4 kids out of school to homeschool, cleared all their cabinets of any kind of junk food, went governmentally MIA, and had my mom's operation reversed. They moved out to the country and 10 years or so after their 4th child--5th, 6th (me) and 7th arrived.
I thank my parents for their strong relationship with God, or I wouldn't be here today. After growing up in the Methodist church and believing that Jesus was a miniature person that automatically lived inside of your heart, my mom ventured on her own to open up her Bible and find the real meaning of salvation. My dad was converted by a friend.
My dad is kind, opinionated, traditional, a provider and a leader.
My mom is sharing, loving, nurturing, strong and righteous.
There are things about my life and being raised by those two people that I could be unhappy about. But at the end of the day, I love them both very much, and I don't mind the way I turned out.
I liked the card that they gave me for my Birthday a week or so ago. It said, "To have a terrific daughter like you takes one of two things: 1. Perfect parents OR 2. Parents who really lucked out! -- Hey, you believe what you want, and we'll do the same!"
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Day 3: Your first love
After scanning through the list of topics for these 30 days, I sighed to see this one so close to the top. I've had a pretty weird so-called "love life" that included a 'boyfriend' at the age of 9, an online mess for about 2 years and then only 1 dating experience which led to my being married.
I can certainly remember feeling and acting in-love when I was 9. But obviously I had no idea what that really meant. I just knew that you hung out together and held hands and maybe -gasp- kissed them....(No, I never did). But that little fling didn't work out, and I would share an excerpt from a distraught 10 year-old perspective, but I threw that diary out a long time ago.
Next we have the messiest (probably most embarrassing) period of my life where I found myself, at the tender age of 13, completely wrapped in the grip of an online relationship. The relationship itself was already a thing to frown upon, and when it turned out to be nothing but a scam, the "I told you so's" were just added weight to my already crushed 15 year-old self. Would I consider that my first love? I really don't want to...but depending on what your idea of "love" is, it may or may not have been. If I was to go back and ask myself, I'm 100% sure that, caught up in my euphoric obsession my answer would be a firm I am in-love. But when your love was for someone who never existed...what then?
My next and final love experience was about a half a year or so after the disintegration of the former. Also formed mostly online (But definitely 100% sure he was real), I met Nick through an online Instant Messaging box. We talked for about 4-5 months before meeting each other "in real life" and was asked about a month later, on September 26th 2005, (Through said IM box) to be his girlfriend.
And here we are, six years later.
So, who, do you ask...was my first love?
Well, I think I actually left out the most important love experience of them all. Back in 1995, head bowed and eyes closed, I gave my heart and life to Jesus. And sadly, while I may have forgotten Him by the wayside a few times down the road, He is and always will be my first love.
And I never really loved anyone until I loved them second. Which I vowed, 4 years after meeting Nick...to do just that.
And now every day, through His grace I am able to show love to him and to our precious son. Though I still fail miserably at times, luckily Nick vowed to love me back second, too.
I can certainly remember feeling and acting in-love when I was 9. But obviously I had no idea what that really meant. I just knew that you hung out together and held hands and maybe -gasp- kissed them....(No, I never did). But that little fling didn't work out, and I would share an excerpt from a distraught 10 year-old perspective, but I threw that diary out a long time ago.
Next we have the messiest (probably most embarrassing) period of my life where I found myself, at the tender age of 13, completely wrapped in the grip of an online relationship. The relationship itself was already a thing to frown upon, and when it turned out to be nothing but a scam, the "I told you so's" were just added weight to my already crushed 15 year-old self. Would I consider that my first love? I really don't want to...but depending on what your idea of "love" is, it may or may not have been. If I was to go back and ask myself, I'm 100% sure that, caught up in my euphoric obsession my answer would be a firm I am in-love. But when your love was for someone who never existed...what then?
My next and final love experience was about a half a year or so after the disintegration of the former. Also formed mostly online (But definitely 100% sure he was real), I met Nick through an online Instant Messaging box. We talked for about 4-5 months before meeting each other "in real life" and was asked about a month later, on September 26th 2005, (Through said IM box) to be his girlfriend.
And here we are, six years later.
So, who, do you ask...was my first love?
Well, I think I actually left out the most important love experience of them all. Back in 1995, head bowed and eyes closed, I gave my heart and life to Jesus. And sadly, while I may have forgotten Him by the wayside a few times down the road, He is and always will be my first love.
And I never really loved anyone until I loved them second. Which I vowed, 4 years after meeting Nick...to do just that.
And now every day, through His grace I am able to show love to him and to our precious son. Though I still fail miserably at times, luckily Nick vowed to love me back second, too.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Day 2: Meaning behind your blog name.
Well, today's post is looking like it's going to be infinitely shorter than yesterday. Today's topic is, "The meaning behind your blog name."
Well, I already talk about it in my side description, cause I felt like it is something that would need a little explaining, but....I'll ramble a little on the subject to give it a little more length.
I have a pretty big family. Of my mom and dad, brothers and sisters and our kids, there are 22 of us (almost 23! Shoutout to my SIL Laurie and her baby bump at athomemama-livinthegoodlife.blogspot.com). Of all of my dad's brothers and sisters and their children, we just passed the 100 mark. Obviously we make up a pretty large portion of that figure!
My family is super important to me, and I'm always proud of how many of us there are. So my blog is simply just a statement of my position in that line-up. I am the "Next to Last" child in a family of 7 children. I was the "Next to Last" person when arranged in an alphabetical line-up (Young!). And I suppose I've always felt like I was the "Next to Last" person to get chosen for a sport, or something like that. Not the best, not the worst, just kind of...stuck in the middle. I suppose the majority of people feel that way, don't they?
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